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Request for help and advice for my own case.

Started by AnotherName, October 21, 2011, 06:02:21 PM

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Hello, Sigmund And Mystress and Other members.

I had a mental disorder since around 15 years ago. And it's a big obstacle for me for doing anything.So based on the information I learned these years from different places including lots of articles from your websites I decided to contact my guide. So I decided to become psychic.But I didn't succeed enough.Plus years of playing with different meditation techniques and methods I added other problems to my problems and the big one is still there.

And again based on mixture of things I learned I decided to have tummo initiation.But I got a better idea.I decided to use 'ask' first this time.I mean asking and getting advice on what to do or not to do next.As I said my big mental problem still there. And for some time I felt something like glasses breaking on my body.And my emotions are gone somehow (if I had proper one before at all). And somehow I feel like I am not connected to reality.I don't feel the passage of time as good as I could in childhood. Specially since 15 years ago that I learned self hypnotising and meditation techniques and yoga and my mental disorder started.And got more severe over the years.There are more.

I also tried the grounding meditation.But every time I started to do it for 45 days and 8 times each day I got a problem and stoped it. So I decided to ask for help.

By the way, I love to have the pleasure of becoming a FST student for sure.And I got a problem for
registeration for FST or tummo.Can you please contact my email? It's kind of a technical one.

Please somehow fetch me out this situation.

And thank so much for the help I already received by the information on the websites.Extremely helpful.