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Third Eye & Thoth - PLEASE HELP

Started by NGC1981, October 27, 2011, 12:05:41 PM

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Hello All,

I had a very bazaar experience last year when I was trying to open my Third Eye. I obviously didn't know what I was doing at the time and came across a website where it explained a way to open the third eye by doing the following (this is a very brief description):  sitting indian style, pressing the tip of your index finger and saying "Thoth" 3 times, feeling the vibration, then doing this for 3 consecutive days, at the same time each day. Well, I was so oblivious, and getting the right vibration of "Thoth" (as in Thoooooth - with you toungue right behind your teeth to feel the vibration, etc. etc.) took me a while, which brings me to what happened. I was driving my dog to the vet for a check-up and was thinking about what I had read and for some reason decided to try to do the "Thoooth" thing, because I didn't understand what they meant by "vibration".

So I tried it, while I was still driving, and finally felt what it was talking about by saying "Thoth" with tounge behind teeth and feeling the vibration. So, I got excited and kept doing it, then was almost is somewhat of a trance, because of the vibration and how it felt. I didn't think anyting of it, however apparently I did something because very strange things started to occur in my life, including a person I met that could hear my thoughts (I know this sounds crazy, however that is why I'm posting here, because I can't talk to anyone about this or they'd obvously think I was crazy) and could control, at times, what I was thinking, etc. - he made it seem that he worked for God, however would do many things to me because he said I needed more humility. He made it seem like I had died and I was being judged, bringing me through different series of judgements. - the whole time trying to invoke fear, shame and insecurity, etc. etc. Well, to make a long story short, I was wondering if I had inadvertently invoked some sort of entity by practicing in the car that one day?? If so, how can I fix this?? I was told last year by a trusted spiritualist that I was surrounded by spirits (in a good way) and that my third eye was ready to open, however am hesitant to pursue anything until I am clear on how, exactly, I need to go about this, especially with the events that occurred last year.

Can anyone help me with this?? I humbly appreciate any guidance whatsoever that anyone can provide. Thank you for listening.


Hello, NGC.  I can't say what you're going through.  As for entities, I suggest these pages from the k-t site.

entities - http://kundalini-teacher.com/guidance/entit.php?searchresult=1&sstring=entities

clearing entities -

The information is in the first paragraph plus a more involved method if you don't have faith ....


If you were calling Thoth with devotion while being in trance, it might be he answered, and granted your wish. So your third eye started to open. Old Gods exist, and they can sometimes be unpredictable. You could think old Gods as archetypes inside of you too. When third eye is opening, your world changes. It can be pretty wild from time to time. It's difficult to say are you dealing with an entity or not, because you do not describe your psychic experiences. Getting deeply grounded reduces the fear of new psychic phenomena, and entity clearing is always a good thing to do.

To me it sounds like you gave your power away to this man you're describing. Take your power back. People are only able to control you up to the level you give permission to. Conscious or unconscious. Use your discernment when choosing spiritual teachers. Getting used to opened third eye doesn't necessarily mean you are going through an ego death. Take care of yourself and go back to basics in your spiritual life. Get grounded, hug the trees. Focus on loving yourself, and count your blessings :)

Love, Mari


Sigmund - Thank you for those links, I believe they will help a lot. I believe my faith has kept me from being completely consumed by what the entity was trying to accomplish last year. I was ashamed that I may have inadvertently invoked a negative entity and was upset that such negativity existed and wondered why. I figured that perhaps I had to witness darkness in order to have a better understanding of the light?

I noticed that when I would call it out on things he would say, when he was saying he was speaking on behalf of God, etc., he would become defensive and seemed to lose "power", so to speak. I found myself trying to help this individual/entity by showing him/it unconditional love, however because I was not knowledgeable enough to understand completely, I couldn't help the way I wanted to.


Hello Mari - Thank you for your response. This experience opened my eyes to see that there are negative forces out there that "feed" off of fear and guilt, etc., to attempt to become more powerful. It is as if there is an "unseen" fight of good vs evil, all based on emotional feeds to either or. As I posted in my response to Sigmund, I believe this happened for a reason, so that I can have a better understanding of the "bigger picture". I am still on the journey to finding truth and walking on a path of love and light - with this, I've also had some highly divine experienced as well, which is quite reassuring, to say the least.  Thank you for your kind words - I especially liked when you mentioned getting back to basics, for this is key.



If anyone has had any experiences like this, or any knowledge or advice about such, please send me a message, as this is something that I am still technically trying to figure out and is also still quite prominent in my daily life.

Thank you,


Is the person you speak of real person? To me it seams as a nice description of a vision/dream initiatory experience. Entity clearing is a good thing you can do in any case.
Well my thinking is that you have activated a growth phase in you. Whit your wish and practice. Sometimes almost like a safety measure. Your ego creates fearful imagery or many strange  things to scare you away when you are not entirely ready, ie. strayed in higher spiritual realms by accident. Ego indeed protects you. But when you already have ripeness and you desire to evolve spiritually is genuine, strange events pass and will be seen as initiatory. Ie. As symbolic and educating.
3rd eye as a function of higher chakra has certain prequisits to function well. My experience is that if you realy wish for it you will reach your goal. But the connected areas will be brought to the surface as well. All is interconnected so wishing for one thing to evolve in you will impact all the areas of your being and life.
So fearful and strange things are good. You can reconsider your wish. Sort of slowly brush it away from thinking about. Because to wish later that all would be as it was, is in vain. Since human being is very complex.


Pray to lord shiva for protection. He is the third eyed one. Good luck.




Hello Duu,

Yes, what you say makes a lot of sense, as there were many, many lessons to be learned and that I had learned while going through the intensity of that experience. Yes, the person I spoke of was a real person, however I believe either an entity was communicating through him, or he was entirely conscious of what he was doing and just had a much higher level of power. I believe, however, that this was more of a negative force, because it/they tried to scare me, while inflicting confusion, guilt, fear, etc. - all dis-empowering emotions to feed their ulterior motives, etc. I believe I did, as you mentioned, accidentally stray into a higher spiritual realm, however believe it was more of a negative realm. However I have grown to realize that sometimes negativity is repercussions of karma, etc. and also as lessons to be learned; kind of as though through the darkness, I was able to "see" the light.