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Started by Chakra_Man, November 07, 2007, 12:49:41 PM

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You say it takes practice to stay grounded while dealing with big emotional issues.

Is fear really just illusion? Should an individual always be grounded and never experience fear? Or is this a Chakra relative thing, such as the upper chakras would agree but the lower ones would not?


P.S. Ive looked at the the symptoms page, but im not sure if im awakened, though there are lots of similarities (hearing voices, feeling energy, moments of enlightenment,) In one vision i saw what i knew where the 'machinery of god' great towers climbing out of the clouds, very divine...

I would like to know if any here would consider these experiences as those of an awakened person. Would love to know your opinion..

This site is beautiful!
God Bless you Mystress

Chakra Man from Victoria


Fear is one of the many emotions, it isn't to be rejected, only retuned to when it really needs to be triggered to a situation which requires adrenaline. When it comes to emotions, I personality believe we all need a healthy balance of them all (even pain, sorrow and loneliness. So you can respect and appreciate the positive emotions). Being overwhelmed by any one emotion can make it difficult to be grounded. Do you not enjoy controlled fear? I love theme park rides due to the adrenaline rush I gain, and knowing I'm safe... mainly because I haven't experienced fear for a while, maybe.

I'm limited to my knowledge of Chakras, although I believe I have some relevance to them because I can control some sort of energy burst (I assumed it was an adrenaline rush, and it still could be). It's the type of energy which you feel down your spine when you hear a type of music which give you the shivers, although I can trigger it as and when I want too. I also was able to have an out of body experience when I was around 5-7 as and when I wished, it was as if I could move my soul out from my own arms, fascinating... to say the lease.



Is fear really just illusion? Should an individual always be grounded and never experience fear? Or is this a Chakra relative thing, such as the upper chakras would agree but the lower ones would not?

 Lets define two types of fear: one is ego based fears, limitations, karmic stuff.

 Then there are body-based fears.  Ever noticed how you are more easily agitated when you are hungry? Startle more easily when you are very tired? That type of fear,  is the body asking for care. Why aren't you caring for it? That goes back to the first type of fear.  Ego is too preoccupied with itself, to listen to the body.  

 There is a Zen story:

   The most powerful Magician in China Mastered his Art, and made it to the top of the ranks thru years of hard work and study. When he was at the peak of his power,  he sent his acolyte with a challenge to the Monk who was famous as the most Enlightened Master of all of China.
   The messenger came with a flourish of trumpets, and gave his rehearsed speech extolling the power and might of his Master, the Magician, telling of how he could make lightening and control the winds, turn lead into gold and loaves into fishes, invoke dragons to do his bidding... all of his Master's most amazing exploits.

 At the end of it the messenger drew himself up and said "My Master issues this challenge: What can you do?

   The most Enlightened Master in all of China looked at him for a moment, then responded slowly:

   "Tell your Master:  I eat when I am hungry, I sleep when I am tired, and I shit when I need to".

 At first reading it sounds crass, but Zen stories are meant to make you think.

 How many of us really can do that? It requires incredible awareness and discipline!!

 We don't eat when we are hungry, we eat when it is lunch time, and we eat for flavour, or entertainment. Movie with popcorn. We get up when we are still tired, and drink coffee for artificial wakefulness. We postpone sleep to watch "late night" and wait for the commercial break to use the bathroom. That is considered normal.

 Not surprising that the body ends up in a state of chronic stress from not getting its basic needs met, and the ego interprets it as "must buy a Mercedes" and becomes a workaholic giving the body even less attention, to meet ego illusion needs first.  If ego will not hear a whisper, then the body for its own survival and purposes will start to scream for attention with a cancer, or a heart disease, or...

 Staying grounded, puts you into a space that is free from ego fears.  Clear the ego fears by surrender, and take care of the body so it feels safe and never has to scream for attention.  Loving yourself by caring for your body, listening to it, generates self confidence and self esteem.

 The body is a temple of the Divine, and it knows it. It does not experience separation from That, as the ego does. Mind connects to Spirit, through Body.  There is a purpose to having a body! Not a punishment or error.  You are the caretaker of the temple.   


 To understand the tree of life that is the chakras, you have to accept what appear to be some contradictions. For example, in duality we may experience the crown chakra as blocked by duality, karmic issues... but in itself, in the infinitely small spark of light that is a chakra, its essential nature is always and eternally non-dual, fear cannot exist there.

  Because it is non dual, it is difficult to even say where it really IS, in space and time when it has none of itself.  The crown chakra represents the Godhead, and there is only One, yet we each have a crown chakra floating above our heads.  There is the contradiction. It can be useful to think of the chakras as portals to the other dimensions, but that definition is really too limited.

 So it is inacurrate so say "My crown chakra is full of fear" because fear cannot exist there.  What you see, is the wall of karma ego built *around* the crown chakra to block the radiance, because ego cannot exist in nonduality,-ego's fear of unconditional love is linked with its fear of its own death, which is quite separate in most cases, from the body's own protective survival instincts... but they are linked in a resonance, or reciprocity.  The fears of the ego affect the body, and the body's condition affects the mind.  

 We tend to relate to the chakras not for themselves, (infinitely small points of light) but the energy field they radiate. (Which in the case of the crown chakra extends through the top of the head; the chakra itself floats above you.)   The chakra can be (in our perceptions) eclipsed by karma, just as the moon can block out the sun... but it is subjective, duality. The perception is based on our location in space and time relative to the position of the sun and the moon.  The sun is still there, burning brightly as always, we just cannot see it or experience the light and radiance when the moon (or the planet itself, at sunset) gets in the way.

 In turn, we can compare this to our human evolution. Animals mostly don't notice an eclipse. Birds treat it as a very short night, stop singing and roost. Animals are smart enough not to look at the sun anyway. Animals (aside from the ones we have domesticated and forced to adapt to our schedules) eat when they are hungry, sleep when they are tired, and shit when they need to. They have no egos, but still experience fear when their physical vessel is threatened or in need of care.

  To early humans, an eclipse was a terrifying event.  The sun was eaten and might not come back, and maybe we get eaten next... plus, watching it struck people blind, a curse!! Whole cultures and civilizations, like the Aztec and Druid, were based on a fear that the sun may not rise tomorrow... something we modern people yake for granted as a sure bet, regardless of whether anyone does the dance or gets sacrificed.

 Nowadays, an eclipse is of passing scientific interest, because we know that the sun is still there, behind the moon.  It is the same for spiritual growth.


Thankyou for giving yourself.

It means i listen to myself, when i think from ego i feel alone, but surrendering that i touch something far more....recognisable. .. Me.... Fear feels like a rogue wave, a challenge to where you identify yourself from, ego looks around desperately clutching at outcroppings, spirit just looks on with love in its heart and says here i am.

There is a lot i want to say, to express myself, as you Mystress have given so much through this site and your post to me. But like you said its Gods work. You are her vessel and by that you have given the greatest.

Staying grounded, puts you into a space that is free from ego fears.  Clear the ego fears by surrender, and take care of the body so it feels safe and never has to scream for attention.  Loving yourself by caring for your body, listening to it, generates self confidence and self esteem.

You have helped me.





I want to jump in here and just share that ive had some great movements 'forward'

I was using the grounding meditation but i was still clogged up with negativity so i stopped using it.
I found a great site (urbanmonk) that really helped me start to release a lot of karma.
I feel ill return to the visualisations when im ready, and they will be of use.

To sum up, i learnt to feel my pain, without resistance. Then express it onto words and find the root beliefs. Surprisingly enough it really helped. Its really exciting to think of the possibilities ahead!
But still keeping my self in order... :)


Would it be accurate to treat the world around you as part of yourself?

If someone is angry, you could take it as a part of you.....etc.. If someone is treating you like shyt, you could take it as a part of yourself that is treating you like that...
Would that be wise?