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Started by silviomanuel, December 19, 2011, 08:50:36 PM

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Anyone know if is there any material or fabric that can block energy? Just want to cover my walls with it so I can get a little sleep without getting drainded. Thanks.


Home protection rituals/spells are effective if your light is attracting too much astral critters etc. Google and you'll find many to choose, from pagan rituals to more new agey ones. Your guides and guardian angels are happy to help you to protect your home, if you ask.

Cut the cords regularly and stay as grounded as possible, so nobody can "drain" you.

In the end, if your tiredness is about your unconsciousness working on you when you're sleeping, above tips wont help much. Because it's you :) Then just try to rest enough and ask yourself how to cope through this phase. Now it's the darkest time of the year, and many people feel the pressure. Soon at Winter Solstice days start to get longer and it gradually gets easier :)

Where you got the idea some fabric would protect you from the otherworld?


Hello mari, thanks for the nice answer. I'll try to search those rituels but its not about astral being just some neighbour. The energy exchange increase while I'm sleeping when I get align with someone even if its nextdoor or upstairs cause I opened myself earlier.

I don't know :) I guess it works just like electricity there might be some insulative matterials. When I touch something metal it kinda feel like it get charged, maybe if I use something plastic on the walls it could help?


You have wild theories there :) Set up the protection spell and make sure your spell doesn't go to neighbours space.


Hehe maybe some psychic fabric could work :) I'll try the spells tonight for the annoying old neighbour  and also cutting the cords really helped it felt like I have more energy


Home spell isn't wise to direct to your neighbour. It's about keeping your home clear and healthy for you, if your light is attracting too much unwanted energies.

Releasing the karmic issues about what makes you feel your neighbour is annoying works. When you're awake and annoyed about your neighbour, your energy goes there for sure creating cords. Your energy and your annoyance about the neighbour creates a link that lets neighbours karma with all the resistance and unwillingness to release it, travel to you. Maybe then your Shakti is working overtime during your sleep to clear it from you. But it's impossible because the neighbour isn't ready to grow like that, and you feel beaten up and drained. Stuck with his karma and your annoyance. Nice combo :)

Sweet refreshing dreams!


its not that I feel annoyed, I got bad karmic energy that could be annoying for everybody who is purified. its a conclusion not not a reason. why do you think thats impossible, I can read energy and I know its true. I have feeling that ur very young how old r u?   


  Mari is very gifted and experienced or she would not be part of my Lineage.. more than that, she is my Priestess and heir. She's got the right stuff.

 Asking a woman her age, and using licence plate text speak when you are not texting places you in the teen to 20-something age bracket. An older person would know it is bad manners.

 Blaming how you feel on your neighbor is a pretty lame victim game silvio, and blame is a way to dump your karma onto another person with projections. Lifting yourself up by stepping on somebody is a power chakra game.

 Personally when I hear someone who claims to be so pure or enlightened complaining about how people bring them down its a sign of the karmic issues still blocking their power chakra and showing that their enlightenment is an ego idea of superiority and they are really still miles away from purity or enlightenment. You are God of your own life and this post only shows you do not yet experience that, instead you are making your neighbor be God for you. Giving power away.

Clean up your power chakra. Power chakra issues in particular, tend to spill onto your real life, that is where the issues are acted out. Rise above it. Take responsibility for yourself. Namaste. You are All that Is. All you see is yourself reflected.  Your neighbor is Goddess too, so what is Goddess trying to show you through him? Nobody can take your energy without your consent on some level and Mari  is right, it is far more likely the entanglement comes of karma feedback from your negative projections towards him.  

 Requesting your Guardian angel not allow entanglement works, but only if you stop projecting. GA cannot protect you from karma feedback of your own actions, nothing can. Laws of karma are absolute and no excuses.

 I recently had a situation with one student, he would vamp me into unconsciousness within a few moments talking to him.  He was not conscious of stealing my life force so he did not know how to stop doing it.  I am generous with my energy with my students, that was the opening and it kind of makes sense Goddess would allow it so I would get firsthand experience of the issue to understand it better.  Not blaming him for it, students come to get help with resolving karma and it was up to me to take care of my self so I can be awake and available to give him the assistance he needs to grow past it. After an incident where passing out for four hours while talking with him caused me to miss an appointment, I simply asked my GA to not let him take my energy anymore. Of course it worked perfectly and I can talk to him without passing out now. We are digging through the unconscious patterns that drive the behavior and he is getting a more personally responsible understanding of why so often his personal relationships turn hostile in a short time.

Ultimately you are All that is and all you see is your own reflection, including your neighbor.  Maybe you think Mari is young because your aloof victim pedestal and hunt for an external solution is kind of childish? Do not project that onto Mari, biting the hand that feeds is just more of the same lame defensive aggression game.

  Keep feeding the blame game instead of taking responsibility for yourself, you may end up in some kind of paranoid Kundalini psychosis. Its a very short step from lining your walls with plastic to keep out your neighbors vibe, to lining your hat with tin foil to keep out the government mind control rays, eh? :) Do you really want to go there?  Thank Goddess for the opportunity to resolve your karma issues of aloof/victimhood projections quietly with your neighbor before it grows into something bigger, and you will get good insights. Gratitude is the opposite of resistance. Gratitude feeds and clears the power chakra.
Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
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I'm not blaming anything or anyone, its just a rational reality and the last message was just for explaning the situation. I stoped playing games for a while, and in the perspective of rasitonality asking a women her age isn't rude. just a number who cares, soul is immortal. why its rude all beings get old (men or women or animals)

you are the one that is blaming me now :) "lame victim game". I didn't clame anyhing, just shared my situation. I am not in the sushumna still balacing the ida and pingala when it will get balanced there will be a second awakening and it will hit my second chakra from the inside, thats when it will get cleared. I am not enlightened but my energy is pure cause in my first awakening I could raise kundalini in the top of my head when all my indivuality start to burn I freaked out got, insane and realise all those energy. I really got sick and had to start from 0, no amount of enery get stabilize in the chakras. Thats an explaition of why I am unenlightened and my energy is pure.

and also being young is a good thing, I just wondered how old she was cause she was friendly to me. I don't understand why you acted that way. now I'm blaming you and also playing there is a saying people project their own faults to others maybe you are unenlightened too I guess you are working from outside thats the reason of you unenlightenment (grounding meditation). I can give you some tips if you want lol

if it was a solution why shouldnt I cover the walls, its like closing the window when the room get cold from the wind. there are people who wear hats in the east for protection.  "government mind control rays" thats a much paranoid vision then mine :)

by the way you are lucky to have such a good friend like her