Mystress only accepts private sessions with her
Fire Serpent Tantra students.
Her FST Lineage continues the public work.

welcome africa man

Started by bauchard, April 12, 2010, 11:15:54 AM

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hello to every body; i'm from Abidjan and from côte d'ivoire in west Africa ;i don't use to speak english because here in my country it'is the french language wich is usually spoke. so it will difficult for me to understand all the thing you speak  about. but i like all the thing you do here and i want to receive some initiations from this house so i want to you to help me understanding what is doing on this site. so i want to know if some people on this site speak french.   i'm very undrestanding in opening the third eye  and i want to receive initiation on this . thanks very much and i'm waiting for your comments.   BAUCHARD



tout est vivant et infini!

tout l'être est libéré c'est la fin de toute la souffrance!
all beings are one people