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Time Travel

Started by nodgie, January 29, 2012, 12:07:59 PM

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I was lying on the couch last Friday night, exhausted after a weeks work. As I lay there I was still awake but very relaxed and I began to think about my workplace, It felt like I was actually there. I can't recall if my eyes were closed but for a brief time I was actually back there complete with all the sights sounds and sensory experiences of being there.

Shortly after this I woke up or snapped out of this state. I was NOT asleep, did I somehow travel thru time and actually go back there. After this experience I felt somewhat robbed as this was the weekend and a few minutes of my life had been stolen as if I was being made to come back there on my free time.

I've been reading "Conversations with God" and there's a chapter on time travel and in it, God says that humans travel thru time all the time and we constantly revisit our past selves to change things to make our present lives better.

I know this may sound a bit too far out for some people but I've too many psychic experiences in my life to not believe. I'm a rational person and I don't blame anyone who'se never had these experiences for dismissing it all as nonsense, but I'd been keen to hear from anyone who'se had a similar experience to this. My journey continues...


  Yes we can and do travel through time and space with our consciousness. It has become more popularized with remote viewing but thats really just a pale shadow of the potential of it. It can be quite surprising to get used to.  I use it habitally for healing, without even thinking about it, it is automatic. Especially past trauma type events... go back in time and give a comforting hug, the trauma dissolves. 

  I have been mentoring another shaman who is my age, but his first visions of me came when he was 7 and were a periodic and recurrent theme of his life. he did not think I was real because I did not seem to age. Imagine his surprise at seeing my photo! I did not appear to age because on my end his visions all happened in the past two years working with him. he knew me 40 years before we met, but I did not know him then. 

  Ironically, the key to learning time travel is about being fully in the now. In the now is all that really exists, it is the point of power where all things are possible. More precisely, I dont go back in time so much as pull then into the now. Being in the moment when someone is remembering past trauma closes the gap between then and now.  Of course to be successful means ego is out of the way... 
Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
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Da Zues Mon

This is interesting. I have used time travel to release and heal karma from my past lives, replaying and reliving violent trauma and horror.. Though, lately I have been experiencing the travel as a cosmic observer attempting to understand the collective soul of humanity and it's maturation through the ages. Perhaps in an attempt to integrate with All That Is, and out of Love for the human race itself am I able to stomach the horrors that I have witnessed.

Love All.


  Yes its all here and now and you are all that is and time and space don't really exist... so what are past lives again? lol. You can pull any story from the collective, and it will be a reflection of where you are at, here and now.
Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
K-list community -

Da Zues Mon

Quote from: Mystress on February 22, 2012, 02:03:50 PM

  Yes its all here and now and you are all that is and time and space don't really exist... so what are past lives again? lol. You can pull any story from the collective, and it will be a reflection of where you are at, here and now.

Mystress, I'm blessed for your response. It snapped me back to the present