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Started by Persephone, May 26, 2012, 03:19:40 PM

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Hello, I have been doing the grounding meditation several times a day for several months. Often I can ground really well and sometime cant ground at all (usually when I'm dealing with a lot of karma) lately when grounding, I pull in the light from above and can feel it tingle :) all over and when ready to bring the energy down I get a sensation of heat in my lower back. It can get kind of intense and I begin to sweat and cant really go any further with the visualization. I think this is power chakra related and just wondering whats going on. Thanks and any advice is appreciated!


Hey, Persephone.  It makes sense that you've been getting some good results with grounding.  Sincere and regular effort is all it takes. 

That said, grounding happens because of and in spite of our efforts.  By that I mean, it very well might go where we intend and, since we generally know less about ourselves than there is to know, it may manifest in ways other than we intend. 

The feelings in your lower back would either be stuff being burned off or/and energy centers there being energized.  That stuff has its own time. 

I'd say don't push it.  You might then increase resistance about things not being ready to go.   Just follow the essay and the animation and let things take their course. 

If what you were feeling/getting was related to your power center, you'd be feeling it in the pit of your stomach, just below where your ribs are. 


Hi Sigmund, stuff being burned off makes sense because I have reoccurring sensations of heat in my right calf and ankle, sometimes with emotions sometimes without. I didn't know grounding could work directly on karma and energy centers. Thanks for the advice and I will  let things unfold in their own time.
Just an anecdote, during the recent solar eclipses(I live on the west coast of the US) I decided to try grounding just to see what it would feel like. I could feel the pull of gravity through my body going strait down to the center of the earth.  I didn't need to visualize at all, it just happened and I was sucked right into Goddesses fiery core.  I have visualized going into Her crystal heart before and would just gently float around in a pink and red energy field but this time it was a wild ride :D. I gave my energy to her while in there and asked that she cleanse it and give it back as she saw fit and perhaps that's whats happening. In any case, I will be making it a point to ground during any future solar eclipses. It was a very cool experience!


Hey, Persephone.  I'm glad to hear you're getting such good mileage from grounding, surrendering and releasing.  Let us know how it goes.  Or, not.



 Grounding is a spiritual path all by itself. You connect to Source, Source starts to evolve you. Being pulled right into the fiery crystal is beautiful eh?

  What is the harm in a little bit of sweat? I sometimes completely soak my clothing when doing intense magic. Sigmund is right, with most things it is best not to push it... but with the grounding? It is safe! Don't let a little bit of fear and discomfort stop you.

  What I would do... Fuel up on gatoraide, calcium and magnesium and b vitamins to help the body handle stress, then push right through it, hold onto the focus of grounding, pedal to the metal and let the body sweat and shake as it needs to until it breaks through, which won't take long. 

Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
K-list community - https://kundalini-gateway.org


Fear is my problem and I now realize that this is what I need to overcome.  I tried to push through with the grounding but would start to cry and feel fear and pain in my chest so gave up on it.( not proud to admit I'm a wuss)Still grounding every day and have started a relationship with a tree. lol ;) It helps to cleanse and balance my energy and I have started to think of it as a friend.
About a week ago I did the mirror meditation and as I was staring intensely at myself I said repeatedly "I am not afraid" then later that night I woke up from a dream that was very disturbing to me. I was holding my own disembodied head and my eyes were black and soulless, then I started kicking my head. I woke up vibrating and shaking from this dream and naturally a bit anxious too. Im not so afraid of the energy itself anymore and in truth it has always backed off when I ask it to but my problem is clearly fear/ego related.


  I would suggest the head represents your ego. Breathe through the fear. Also make sure you are taking enough b vitamins for stress, and calcium/magnesium.
Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
K-list community - https://kundalini-gateway.org