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Question to Mystress about why I am addicted to this site?

Started by NeverSure, March 09, 2012, 07:15:30 AM

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Okay here is my question. I know that some of the pages are energized as you mentioned. Even if I am not enlightened, never had any K experiences would I still feel it? I mean I think I feel it but I don't know if it is a placebo effect I am making for myself.

Here is the thing sometimes randomly I get this urge to come back to the site even thought I have read every other article. When I am here I get into this relaxed state of mind. My thoughts slow down. Still I don't know if that's it or it is just my mind playing tricks on me.

Reading your articles is so interesting because you are just being real the whole time. I mean I have this feeling that you are being real in each word you say. Is that what makes me keep reading and rereading them or the fact that the pages are energized and I feel some sort of attracting that I cannot comprehend? Or are those two the same exact thing?

Also if I do grounding as a relaxation exercise would it be okay even if I am not enlightened even in a slightest bit? Or would it be harmful in some way? Juuust wondering.

Thank you for your time,


I probably shouldn't have asked this to Mystress since I know she is extremely busy. So would anyone from the Lineage might be able to answer my question? Sorry if I seem to be annoying for bumping up the topic. Just want an answer becasue still have not found it yet.

Thank you so much!



There is nothing occult about why you body prefers relaxation to stress. And so your unconciusness guides you to theese page because they are a benefit to you.
It is simply so that you feel inside a desire for peace and knowledge. And that is sometimes called spiritual growth. Soon you begin to ask yourself why to only be in peace and relaxed when on thees pages or when doing grounding? Why not feel, be like that all the time? Why to do stress and feeling disconected? This is a begining of spiritual path. That requires a bit more focused effort , but not that much.


Hey Duu,

Thank you so much for your answer, very helpful and I really appreciate it!

- Guest


  I am glad you enjoy the site.
I have a shamanic imperative to be honest.. keep it real. Why I am a little rough sometimes, sugar coating stuff can be a type of lie too if directness is important to higher purpose.

 My energy has the presence of the Mother Goddess, a peace that feels like coming home. I teach people not to project energy but this energy goes into anything creative I do. Not as a projection but a subtle radiance that abides in this space for any who choose, to drink.

 Why does anyone come to a temple? To abide a while in the peace of the sacred space. That this temple is in cyberspace, makes no difference to the Goddess.

Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
K-list community - https://kundalini-gateway.org


Thank you so much for your answer. Reading your comments/replies has the same exact effect - now I know why. I am really glad I found this site.