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Best mantras for raising kundalini energy?

Started by eyewish, March 24, 2012, 11:43:59 AM

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Hi liek the title really. I have been trying to awaken the kundalinii energy there are so many mantras I heard sanskrit ones are the ebst, what you guys think?


Trying to raise your kundalini by yourself can open a Pandora's box of troubles.  It can lead to years of unimaginable suffering.  Have you checked these out?




An ounce of prevention is very much worth a pound of cure.



I am all good, thanks dont need no negatives to put me down.

I am doing ok, just would liek to hear different opinions.


I'm glad you're okay.  What I said was not to put you down or to rain on your parade.  It was ounce of prevention. 


Quote from: eyewish on March 30, 2012, 03:47:21 PM
I am all good, thanks dont need no negatives to put me down.

I am doing ok, just would liek to hear different opinions.

  Very bad behavior to dsperately beg for my help privately and then put down my senior lineage member when he offers good advice.  Kriyas will stop kicking your ass when you stop trying to control Goddess. You would not be getting kriyas unless you are already awakened so stop with the stupid practices to feed your ego illusion of control, and learn to ground and surrender.
Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
K-list community - https://kundalini-gateway.org


I think your the one whos rude Mystress! you say I begged for help! 

I obviously had you wrong, thought you were a decent person with gifts who likes to help those in need. You set up a site with messages and expect no messages? I asked in private as it was private matters.

You even replied saying you delegate some one to help me but never told me, if you did I wouldnt have to ask privately would I?

You may be good at what you do, I dont doubt that, but theres a difference betwene your thoughts and what you know. Eg me in new to kundalini and had the jaw issues from day one before I even knew what kundalini was. I got it when I started out meditation on the eye.

After injuries it got worse. I met peopel who said the movements were normal, but if you asked I would of told you all this. Each situation is different.

However if you said you checked me out, and told me what you found I would understand your advice.

The thread I have started here, I didnt ask for advice to raise kundalini, specially not negative advice, the last thing I need is to fill my head with the links I was given. I was simply asking about mantras. Wich none of you even replied to.



Wow, this is a good example of spiritual humor.
I mean if I would wish to play a game of dice with my life. I would really want to collect
the best karma I could, along with the best guidance. If for no other reason that I would like assure for myself a good or similar incarnation in case the attempt fails.
But to insult dharma, sangha and guru in three post right in that order is quite humorous.
Especially right before you appeared to want to gamble some high stakes for some reason.

The question you wrote was not answered because your statement, problem under it was much louder. It spoke of confusion, ignorance of spiritual path but also of mass ignorance to the traditional mantra yoga path up to the point of insult.
You received a good guidance from Sigmund to maybe amend your errors in judgment of it. But apparently you were not hearing it and not honest at that point so Mystress just made it crystal clear.
Also clarify for all of us. I mean what more can you ask for? A personal whack from a teacher that made time for you. Well as I see, it will take some time to amend for your collected karma. And that is not a joke. So use that time you have well. And dont waste it with gambling.



I didn tmena to insult any one or anything, mystress replied to messages I sent her wich was cool, I thought it was nice of her to take an interest in helping me wich apprently she did and messaged me about. But then when I replied to her message and aksed her simple things regarding the email she sent me, she told me to put it on board.

If some one offers you help its good of them yes, but if they do so then wouldnt it be nice to tell us they did|? An if they did is it so wrong to ask question regarding the matter?

IM not here to fight, sorry mystress but I did think your reply was a bit out of order, puttign me down.

I agree some need to know more and be shown things they dont know, but I really dont need to read things that I dont need to know, I have my faith.

I have learned alot from mystresses sites, so thankyou for that.

I am grateful, I try and be decent and honest. Need of guidance? of course.

I have mantras, I gues sill just have to try them and see what works best.



 If you had faith you would trust your Kundalini to unfold as Goddess Wills, not be trying to force it open with practices and mantras. That is obvious, isn't it?

  Is like the old joke
"Doctor it hurts when I do this..."
  Doc says "stop doing that."

  You say "oh stop being so negative."
  lmao.. thats an even better punch line.

  If you had awareness you would realize where you are. There are not mantras in my teachings. I don't use them. Repeating the same word over and over is a self hypnosis technique, and self hypnosis itself is considerably more useful and easy to learn. Learn it and ask your unconscious mind what is up with you, your own self since you don't seem to want to listen.

Your ego, your expectations.  Your expectations are not relevant to me. People who like to bite the hand that feeds, do not impress me.

  I am not a Guru, I am not even a Hindu, although Goddess granted me a whack of the Guru siddhis (attainments) so I could do my work, tend to my tribe.

  I am a Shaman. Shamans are scary cranky unfathomable weirdos but so insightful and honest that it is worthwhile to be thankful for their total lack of willingness to suffer fools gladly... especially when you are being the fool and a Shaman points it out.  You want me to respect the ego you claim to be trying to eradicate? LOL. No.

I don't have enough ego to give a shit if you think I am rude. Surprise! You were already rude to others so take a look at your reflection. 

  If you insist... your mantra is Watermelon.

  Google TMJ.
  Learn some manners.
  Get grounded.
  Stop trying to force awakening.  That is not faith, it is ego.

  The purpose of this forum is to redirect the site mail to a place where my lineage can respond to it as I cannot keep up. I have a lot on my plate. People start asking for advice in im, defeats the purpose eh?

  No, I do not see it important to inform someone they have gotten the benefit of some random act of kindness. Why would I?

Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
K-list community - https://kundalini-gateway.org


Im a bit sensative Mystress, what can I say? But my hearts in the rite place.

Yes your correct, im a novice and you know more, the last message made me clearly understand you and what your more about. when things are told in the rite way theres less chance of confusion, or doubt.

I didnt realise you were a Shaman, sorry.

If you spoke to me a few times then I got a slap in the face I would understood, lol, I do understand more now to why I didnt get replies to my post and that you do things differently. Eg you dont use mantras etc beliefs are different to mine about mantras etc.

You have no idea how much I have learnt threw your sites, thank you for that I still have so much to go threw.

But my spiritual journey has been long and hard and ive fallen down got back up so many times. I reasons for starting all this is my health, I want to live the way others do, I dont feel I can the way I am.

Along the way I have changed so much, I feel a calling for me, theres so much I dont understand, so much more I want to learn, the way I am going now is to do as much good I can now, so no matter what way this life goes, if I have to end it I can say to myself I did my best. You might look at me as week but, I am the way I am.

Slowly, I am changing my ways, my thoughts, Ego you say mystress? Maybe some yes but how much Ego can one have who doesnt want to live? who was homeless recently? who in unhealthy, unhappy, unpopular, has no memory, has no confidence, has done well with third eye meditation astral projected then lost it all to the point where he feels as he cant "remember" how to do it again, or how he use to do it? Not to mention, week, uneducated, list goes on, lol.

I believe in listening to my heart and that that is rite, I believe in God, I believe there are not many limits to what we are capable of, but im know one to be full of Ego. maybe a little regarding things I "think I know" But I am ready to be wrong about the whole world when opened up to the truth and true reality.

I am by no means making excuses for what im like, or the things I mite do, or saying ive had it this way more than others, no. I am just stating, I am not like others, This book has alot inside it, yes the covers been ripped apart, its been thrown about and few pages are missing, but This book could of been one in a trillion, it just needs to be put together again by, properly. Thats my aim. Make this book what it should be, not what it could be!

Hope that made sense. I will go threw your teachings, sites see where it leads me.


Such honest and important advice from Mystress. It realy moved me.
So perhaps I add a bit on those foreign words I used. They represent a certain base in the traditional approach and respect to them is thought of as key factor. Yes we are now in modern times but I think personally one can best benefit from traditional technique if one doesn't just grab it out of whole context, especially if the context is a rather complex process.

Dharma: Is the truth that all what you seek is already inside of you. And acting from that knowledge is acting done from love and not from ego, fear.
Sangha: All our friends with us on the path. In fact all of the beings here around us including stones and plants are with us on the path. But we left them, we left to play in the mind and got lost there..they never gave up on us, never ever. We were cruel to them, unfriendly. And trough that we deepen our lostness, loneliness and pain.
Guru: Is one who made it out of the prison of ego. Ego is not just a friendly tool. Ego is really strange thing. It can take a good intention or even holly thing and totally screw it up.
A key is guidance but also a trust to that guidance, because sometimes the guidance is against ego, our current belief systems and so on. And we must do side with the guidance and face the pain.
Really hard even with guidance much worse without. That is a key aspect now as it was very long time ago.
If one does just have only a set of old belief systems as a navigation, that time a teachers advice is a key to freedom but also it will surely contradict common belief systems and superstitious ideas. Since all the ideas one has when immersed in ego are in him in fact flawed more or less.
Twisted in a way as to be not a danger to ego. Ego can twist all the good things like faith and you never know an it becomes superstition that produces pain and kills innocent. Idea gives ideology.  A  worship of god is made to a worship of book, Words that tell to bring peace bring war.
Ego is simply an opponent very cunning and ruthless, one is never advised to go on without guidance. Ego knows nothing holly, no deities, no mantras, nothing. It knows only boxes and names.

I hope this excursion to old wisdom is useful to you, It is written based on my interpenetration of it.
And so mantra is really to ones benefit if given by a teacher and used with guidance. Or it will become just a misleading idea a tool to ego. Or worse create an spiritual ego.



Thanks for you reply Duu, and your honesty. I very much appreciate it.

I am fustrated as it has beeen long and hard and all one can do is keep trying, One can only go so far in one direction before realising something is wrong as things are not working out and then things get tangled from there on.

Against every thing, I am starting to do well slowly. I am trying to balance my chakra work on all chakras, and also do the kundalini rising and then eye meditation. I stoppe ddoing chakra meditations to concentrate on raising energy and then fell back, so maybe that is my ego "thinking" I am able and ready when I have barely touched the surface.

It is hard specially as I always wanted to have all chakra open, see how it does to my health, how I feel, just want to feel healthy and alive again. I use to hear words to songs last year, sing out of knowhere, I could remember things better, was a big more sharper, after all my life feeling I was not like others, not as good as others. Then after that after doing so well, I lost it all.

That hurt me bad, and probbaly my ego to! lol. But now I realise I shouldnt rush or expect anything, I have even seen what I have no idea as to a bird totem maybe an owl, and also krishna, yes Krishna, was blue the first time and looked a bit like he would in dwarkadhees, lol. I asked to have confirmation and saw something/one again and heard krishna, but this time it wasnt blue! I am so confused about what I see in meditation, if its real or not, it does get to me a bit.

I feel presence at the murtis, (statues) and pictures in my room, I guess I am on the level where I have no clue to what is real yet even contact with my guides. I felt presence last night not sure if it is my guides, not sure how protected and if im just picking up on more energies than before.


jai shree krishna

Da Zues Mon

Quote from: eyewish on April 14, 2012, 08:10:26 AM
Thanks for you reply Duu, and your honesty. I very much appreciate it.

I am fustrated as it has beeen long and hard and all one can do is keep trying, One can only go so far in one direction before realising something is wrong as things are not working out and then things get tangled from there on.

Against every thing, I am starting to do well slowly. I am trying to balance my chakra work on all chakras, and also do the kundalini rising and then eye meditation. I stoppe ddoing chakra meditations to concentrate on raising energy and then fell back, so maybe that is my ego "thinking" I am able and ready when I have barely touched the surface.

It is hard specially as I always wanted to have all chakra open, see how it does to my health, how I feel, just want to feel healthy and alive again. I use to hear words to songs last year, sing out of knowhere, I could remember things better, was a big more sharper, after all my life feeling I was not like others, not as good as others. Then after that after doing so well, I lost it all.

That hurt me bad, and probbaly my ego to! lol. But now I realise I shouldnt rush or expect anything, I have even seen what I have no idea as to a bird totem maybe an owl, and also krishna, yes Krishna, was blue the first time and looked a bit like he would in dwarkadhees, lol. I asked to have confirmation and saw something/one again and heard krishna, but this time it wasnt blue! I am so confused about what I see in meditation, if its real or not, it does get to me a bit.

I feel presence at the murtis, (statues) and pictures in my room, I guess I am on the level where I have no clue to what is real yet even contact with my guides. I felt presence last night not sure if it is my guides, not sure how protected and if im just picking up on more energies than before.


jai shree krishna

yes yes just sing sing sing :D

I used to only sing for happiness, because it made me feel very good. I underwent a similar "fall" as you did eyewish, and I could no longer feel the same happiness i used to feel through singing. My entire vocal chords seemed to have changed. I had "lost" my voice. But I began to sing from the pain, to the pain, however it wanted to come out. And I realized it was still beautiful, expression is beautiful.

My favorite mantra to chant is Avalokiteshvara's OM MANI PADME HUM
Fills me with Love and Light


But my spiritual journey has been long and hard and ive fallen down got back up so many times. I reasons for starting all this is my health, I want to live the way others do, I dont feel I can the way I am.

   You just don't get it. You do the practices, the practices trigger your karma crap coming up to be cleared, and its all emotional garbage and fear. If you cannot clear it on the inside it goes outside to your external world and the toxins affect your health.  You do not know how to process the garbage and fear but you keep doing the practices anyway trying to control Goddess and Destiny and you wonder why your life and health are going down the toilet.

  Stop doing the stupid mantras and practices that trigger more karma than you can easily handle!!

  If you had listened to sig the first time and stopped messing with the mantras then you would already be discovering for yourself, that your emotions balance themselves naturally and your awakening process unfolds more easily when you quit manipulating your energy with misguided practices that you do not understand. A little information is a dangerous thing. Fools rush in. You are already awakened. Your life is no longer your own to control. Stop messing with Goddess work. You try to push Goddess, the universe pushes back and you get your ass kicked. That is what is happening.

  You tell a sad story wanting us to feel sorry you are getting your ass kicked... we don't. We respect the power of Goddess. You act like its some toy, or a dog you have to train to obey your will. Ego.

We tell you how to fix it, you do not listen.

Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
K-list community - https://kundalini-gateway.org


I dont think I will get sympathy from you Mystress , nor am I looking for it.

You have given me some advice yes, But your ways of going about it is like you know me again and youve been my teacher for so long and it doesnt work that way.

You say I am bringign up the emotional garbage and fear, and not processing it? I dont quite udnerstand what you mean, the way you say it like were suppose to bring up a bit process it and then do it again?

I have bene doing what I have been led to do by spirit, wich includes me randomly picking up a book reading it and finding out about kundalini. I am not good enough to raise this energy on my own yet, although after what you said I did give it ago and it worked ok for while.

BUT your forgettig Its not liek others for me as when I work on any chakra and or have energy rushing threw me my jay cluntches shut, moves in out, and it causes me discomforts, so It is different than you just saying sit relax and breath wich you want me to do rite?

Eg if mantras do the same as the breathing and I cant breath then what? So I can do as you wish Mystress if you want to help, but I need to sort out my Issues with the jaw movements first. I have been told its blocked energy pathways etc.

The mantras help with me as its a way to get focus off my movements and pain discomfort, etc. so does music, but when I can sit and relax without this difficulties I do sit and slowly breath and do my work.

I do chakra meditation on all chakras, I havnt been doing so well since Ive been slacking since doing the raising energy, as I thought ti cleared the chakras anyways, so I decided to do or try hour med on all chaks daily when I can. Would this help?

Its like the way you go about it Mystress is like you want to help me, and want me to do it rite, or your way. But I wont get the guidance I need for that, itl be like saying do this and be doing it alone anyway.

I use to sit in silence and meidtate on my eye in pitch black, but now I do it listening to music and with some light, not because I chose to but because this way I feel more confortable, and when I get movements I jsut open my eyes and they settle then close them and start again. But specially with the work on the naval it tightens my jaw and causes discomfort.

You know your stuff hun, I know and respect the fact that you could probably raise it rite now if you wished. But Once just watch what happens to me when i try then you can say anything you like and ill take it all in!

Some tiems like now, not even sure if its you, lol, I feel warmth at the root, feels so nice, i believe when I do my work it does probably do as you say, brign up alot of crap but maybe thats what this is now? lettign go of that crap? I will give into it and let it do as it wishes, but if my jaw get uncomfortable I have to get up and snap out of it, lol.

Thanks for your kind words, I was gona say I got a thing for you too! But then youd only say thats your Ego talking! lol.



eyewish, have you visited a good bone setter to get your jaw put back in it's proper place, so it won't disturb the energy flow? Bone setters come from many different schools, chiropractors, osteopaths, naphrapaths.. just to name few. Kundalini likes straight spine too. Jaw goes easy out of place in some people, I have had mine corrected few times too. I cannot promise it solves it all, but it's really worth trying.