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I am asking to be a student of Mystress' School

Started by Eleni, March 12, 2012, 10:24:36 AM

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Hello to All,

l last wrote at the Guestbook on September 25/2011. I am from Greece , 29 years old.

Since my last confession , many things have happened. The most uncomfortable were the headaches . I felt as if a hand trying to pull out of my head an electrical little ball, that there was swinging in the middle of my head . Dizziness and strong pain between the eyebrows, to the temples and at one point at the back of my head . Every time  that happened , i was surrendering to the pain,without fear . After the times that my eyes going backward that i had mentioned on September , the pain get started .

So ,the mighty pain  lasted over a month , and suddenly someone invited me into a shaman's peyote healing session. Before the session , except the pain, i had that LOVE without judgment for everyone and everything . I was having my daily life as was coming saying YES with glad and without thought at everything . Every time that i was saying yes without thought i was feeling such an excitement ,that i was laughing even with the most difficult situations. The intentions of everyone were spontaneously changing for the best and i felt that if there were many ways to reach to the point the YES way with such Love and a profound understanding of the others feelings, made the "route"  faster and strewn with flowers.

After the group healing session with the shaman ,i told him about the headaches and during the session he brought me back when my eyes were going backwards by saying " Sister, focus to the fire " After , the ceremony i told him that i feel that my Third Eye is up to open , and he only said " Focus". The next day i found an elaborated little mirror into the place i am working , when i went home i started looking into my eyes thinking the word " Focus ". after a few days i found the mirror meditation into the site , that i haven't done yet . After the ceremony i don't have those mighty headaches but i still have headaches  and more often i have just a beautiful vibration between the eyebrows and ALWAYS that vibration on my hands and an easy Joy that comes up every moment like as i am a fool.

I am asking to be your student in the way that you will choose.I want to do lessons just tell me from where should i beggin.

I Love You all but i can more.


From here you can find the info you need if are moved to join the Mystery School.



Hello my Loves! :)

Mari,  Thank you very much for your response! So, when I'll be financially ready I'll send a postal order. Even if i am already kundalini awakened i could join the Mystery School ? ( With big respect to your time MYSTRESS do you thing I am ? ).

The most of the times i am 100% sure that i am , but there are moments that i feel like i forget , i forget me, the Goddess all around me and that moments are comming thoughts as if i am crazy, nevertheless a craziness that leads to Smile . I am sending Her my Love very often and ask her Love& Light and every time i finish even now that i am writting about it i can't stop Smiling just like a child full of Love and secure . I could stay like this by my self with my Goddess , but there are times that i am not strong enough with people expectations in communication. For that , i feel that lately my intestines are swelling , ready to explode .

Everything I have read that Mystress was the author was Just Freedom=God , i feel every word of Her inside me. Like i knew since i was born that like this is the Freedom=God.

Even if i am even ,if i am not awekened i want more guindance or i need a more private teacher with all my Love.

Ps. I have begun the grounding process.

Namaste !


Hello, Eleni.  The mystery school, Fire Serpent Tantra gives lots of good information about how to create a strong foundation to hold the unfolding and to build on the information here on the k-t site.

When it looks as if you're forgetting everything and bliss is the result, it appears that you're falling into all that is without the boundaries and definitions of yourself that you normally have.  I'm glad you can surrender to it and enjoy it.  And yes, turning our attention to the things of the world seems to make it less.  Energy goes where attention goes.  Not to worry.  Take care of things as needed.  It's all divinity.  

Practicing grounding will help you a lot and, if you aren't already doing *this*, give it a try -  


  Kind regards and blessings,


Sigmund ,

You were the first that i met when i came here  :D . When i saw your name i felt so content ( like i know you for centuries ) without even reading the answer .

Does the clearing has jerking ? It happened a lot , when i am laying down facing up , when i am grounding , even when something suddenly gets my attention . My shoulders do it a lot and when it happens  i am laughing and i have a strong feeling that i am discovering  something ( information ) but i am not.

OK , I'll do the clearing karma , with great pleasure  :D 

PS . I already know that The Mystery School , Fire Serpent Tantra will give me a lot . I feel it in my fingers , i feel it in my toes ... i feel it in my Soul !  ;D


Thank You All !



Hello, Eleni.  I remember you from last year and am glad to see you again.  Sometimes, clearing or/and grounding will hit a block or a spot where energy is being held and so the body shakes when that's hit or when the energy is released.  It should stop in time or happen much less. 

Sometimes, you can make it easier with massage, yoga, stretching, a chiropractic adjustment or some physical activity that uses your large muscles.  These things have worked for me. 

Let us know how it goes with you. 


Hello Hello Again,

I started Hatha before a week and it was just amazing, i could do so many things and now i am to the teachers' class.

The jerking thing before 3 months was extremely intense , so much that when i was suffering from the headaches that i have mentioned and one friend of mine was doing me reiki she couldn't hold me , now that happens but it seems that it leaving me as time goes by .

The other thing that is happening is that my eyes are shiny, sometimes just shiny and others extremely shiny. I really love to look at them  :D. I don't know what it is but i feel sooo good !

I have no degree in Reiki , but i can feel an intense vibration in my hands and i felt without knowing anything that i can give energy. By breathing i can have my hands very warm and very fast, so in my excitement i touched some people. I read the reiki positions and grounding and i did it. I had very good results.One that now comes into my mind had a clear vision with a snake that stopped suddenly in front of her face looking at her and she did the same without fear until the snake disappeared .She was my first cousin that we grown together. But i feel that i don't want to do it again. And i haven't done it since months.

And something last , i am having sex with my last boyfriend, he is my sexual partner the last 3 years . The last time we were having sex he stopped many times , he felt as if the head of his penis were electrifying . I couldn't understand and then i read from Mystress that is possible an awakening through sexual contact . I don't think that happened but i mentioned him the kundalini.If that awakened to me.

I believe that doesn't happened to him but if that electrical thing has to do with my energy or something , there is anything better that i could do or he just have to accept it and surrender to it if he want , as i am doing to all those tough but beautiful things ?

Thank you from my Heart !