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Hair loss

Started by vivalavida, April 10, 2012, 07:19:17 AM

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Hi everyone,

I have noticed that the hair in the top of my head has got very thin and broken. It's not like it has fallen from the root but it seems very dry, very short, like lifeless, while in the rest of my head is ok. I don't have a great hair but I like it :)
I have read elsewhere that it might happen during the process so I wanted to ask if anyone has experienced this and does it grow back healthy again?

Also a lot of people are talking about ascension to 5D, and would really like to know what Mystress thinks about this.



Male pattern baldness is not a kundalini symptom. If you want to feed your hair, massage your scalp to remove tension and increase circulation.

  Lots of hoohaa about ascension, mostly by people who are not ascended, and selling something.

   Here is the straight dope: ascension is about *energy hygiene.* The more you clear your karma and surrender fears to Divine Will, the more you clear the debris and rocks from the river of life force within you, the more abundant your energy becomes, the more the body vibration rises. Ascension, Enlightenment, Self realization= clear karma, chakras open and ego fades.

   Eventually you find you are living in a slightly different world, but the process takes time and you may not at first notice how colours are brighter, beauty so abundant, how things tend to flow more easily, and assholes do not notice you.

  Often in a Fire Serpent Tantra members chat, I will combine discernment practice with teaching, giving the students questions or statements to test against their own sense of truth. A  recent one was "in an average grocery store, about 1/3 of the people there will not see me at all." I do not exist,  in their reality. Unanimously validated by discernment of all present at the chat. You can check it yourself if you have it working.. but if you did you would not need to ask me.

  Skip the merkabas and channellings of ascended masters (oh btw I am one) and all that and just focus on karma clearing and responding positively to the reflections of karma on the outside, and the chakras open and the lenses of percepton get scrubbed, you will become ascended.

  There aren't shortcuts that give lasting results. Know Thyself is a spiritual imperative and the strongest foundation for lasting ascension is DIY - processing your own karma. Practice grounding and the karma section of this site.

Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
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Hi Mystress,

Thanks for the massage suggestion, I think it will help.

I can really relate to what you said about personal ascension and 2 days ago I was telling my wife almost exactly what you said.
This last month I have started noticing these changes. Things that used to make me angry before now don't. Nature seems prettier, people smile more when they talk to me and stuff like that.

What made me read about ascension was because of some dreams I had during October-November. I started to research their meaning and they seemed to be similar to dreams these ascension people were having at the same period of time.
But I also believe that everyone creates their own reality, so I keep an open mind and am grateful for everything that's going on with me even though it's tough sometimes.

Thanks again