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Root chakra and grounding

Started by Solar741, May 05, 2012, 03:07:15 AM

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Currently i have become aware that my three low chakras need to be cleaned and strengthen to be in balance with my three high chakras. So lately i have been working on knowing when to ground what it feels like to be grounded and how to ground. My best technique that i use frequently is to surrender my self to the fear/bad feeling then relax phyically and mentally and project my energy downward intill i feel good and healed up. This can be really quick or take some time considering the issue it also is not very visable that i am doing it so i can do it bassically anywhere. bassically i am sharing my technique to you hoping that you could mabey share one with me that i could try out:)


  I already shared several thousand pages on the web.

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This space is for my lineage to advise people. You trying to teach me something? You are not telling me anything I have not already known since I was 12.
Dumping energy downward doesn't work so well after k awakens. The flow sends it out the crown.
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