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General Query

Started by Morgan, May 29, 2012, 03:59:21 PM

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Is it possible to experience a Kundalini awakening with little or no physical symptoms?  If so, what might one experience? Much of what I've read about Kundalini is quite dramatic ... is it possible to have a "gentle" or "subtle" experience?


  Yes, absolutely. It is about attitude. The big dramatic stuff is when Goddess needs to get out the jackhammer to pound through somebody's resistance. If someone is already deeply surrendered to Divine will then there is no jackhammer required, awakening comes as a gentle and beautiful unfolding of consciousness.

  There are some schools of thought that insist that unless you go batshit insane for a while, it isn't "real" kundalini. My discernment calls bullshit on that idea.   Sounds like an excuse for careless teachers who don't know enough to keep their students stable, and a little bit of ego boasting on the part of the survivor.  While it is true that ego does not go gently into the great void, it fights for its life...  deep faith can do an end run around ego.

Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
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thank you for your reply and your wonderful web-site.  This site was invaluable in the beginning when I was trying to understand what was going on.  It was a major stepping stone in pointing me in the "right" direction. It would choke me up (tears) something must have rang true especially after looking up symptoms of menopause, psychosis, and other mental illnesses.   Funnily enough, a big part of my struggle, among many others, has been letting go of how I want or expected this experience to be.  Reading about Kundalini originally was a way to help myself understand and I became enamored with all the extraordinary experiences people had.  Although "gentle", it sometimes feels frustratingly so.  This journey feels very "meat and potatoes ", but not without some of the best "surprises" of my life.  I never experienced true gratitude until I realized this experience is about God and that inner feeling/knowing.  And it all happened in a "in through the back door" kind of way....beautiful stuff.   
Thank you again for this lovely site, and allowing me to share just a tiny bit of my experience with another person who understands. 


I never experienced true gratitude until I realized this experience is about God and that inner feeling/knowing.

  Yes, that is what it is. That sincerely devout quality in you of great love for God and trust in Divine will has paved your way.

  I advise people to not seek awakening unless they are genuinely ready to turn their whole life over the the will of their soul, where ever it may lead them. With those whose hearts are already filled with love for the Divine, whose whole longing is to become closer... kundalini is gentle.

  People who seek awakening for power, glory, some sort of ego hero trip or who are awakened by trauma and resist it, have the bumpy road because they are fighting.

  It is like a mother dressing a baby. Baby can relax and enjoy the attention, or baby can scream and cry and struggle but the end result is going to be the same. Clothes. 
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