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dating/partnering after K-awakening

Started by missmatched, May 13, 2013, 10:58:29 AM

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I realize there are moral issues at stake here, so how can you know if your potential partner is going to be able to handle your K energy? I'm afraid to even spend face time with potential partners at this point because of their reactions- like being around me puts them under a spell. How do I even go about getting to know someone and know that they are seeing me and not the K energy? Am I only allowed to be with K-awakened people? How does that work? (not like you can put out a personal ad...) This is very frustrating- I feel like I've been cursed like Midas- that I will not be able to touch or be touched by anyone I love again....


Hi Missmatched.

Yes there's moral issues involved and it's good to be mindful. But there's no need to throw the baby away with the bath water, so to speak... If your kundalini charisma is putting people under a spell, it can sometimes be more of an issue for you, than to them. Because they fell in love with the kundalini and not necessarily to you as a human being. When they get what they needed through you, spell might wear out. With other awakened it might be easier in that sense. But there's infinite possibilities, so you never know what happens :) Even with all the warnings given here, Divine still organizes surprises and miracles.

It's good you have seen your responsibility on this. So many awakened do not, but run around awakening others believing they are the next big thing in guru markets (especially males, eh?). Life doesn't end here, it just got started :) Have peace and trust in your heart, that people who come into your life come for a reason. The reason might not always be what you first thought it would be, but some day somebody might come and stay.

For me the natural selection has worked effectively after K awakening. People might get attracted to me from the distance, but when coming closer my kundalini triggers so much karma they fall into chaos. So people have burned their noses, and fly away. Some people have stayed, and I enjoy fully their company. People who have stayed, are sometimes the ones I wouldn't have paid much attention in my life before K awakening... Kundalini rips the external values away, and the wisdom of the heart, beauty from within, is what matters the most.



thank-you, Mari, for your insightful reply!

so I'm seeing someone now who falls in the *my kundalini triggers so much karma they fall into chaos* category for sure- he is attempting to handle it, like really working on the karma- do you think I should break it off for his sake, or let him decide? Right now I am letting him take it at his own pace, still too soon to see how it's going to work out, but he seems to know how much he can handle...

also, I am curious where you meet people of like mind??


I totally understand what u are saying.  It makes it hard to communicate with someone underneath the spell of hypnotic illusion. 


Quote from: Mari on May 23, 2013, 01:29:57 AM
Hi Missmatched.

Yes there's moral issues involved and it's good to be mindful. But there's no need to throw the baby away with the bath water, so to speak... If your kundalini charisma is putting people under a spell, it can sometimes be more of an issue for you, than to them. Because they fell in love with the kundalini and not necessarily to you as a human being. When they get what they needed through you, spell might wear out. With other awakened it might be easier in that sense. But there's infinite possibilities, so you never know what happens :) Even with all the warnings given here, Divine still organizes surprises and miracles.

It's good you have seen your responsibility on this. So many awakened do not, but run around awakening others believing they are the next big thing in guru markets (especially males, eh?). Life doesn't end here, it just got started :) Have peace and trust in your heart, that people who come into your life come for a reason. The reason might not always be what you first thought it would be, but some day somebody might come and stay.

For me the natural selection has worked effectively after K awakening. People might get attracted to me from the distance, but when coming closer my kundalini triggers so much karma they fall into chaos. So people have burned their noses, and fly away. Some people have stayed, and I enjoy fully their company. People who have stayed, are sometimes the ones I wouldn't have paid much attention in my life before K awakening... Kundalini rips the external values away, and the wisdom of the heart, beauty from within, is what matters the most.


I feel the exact same way. For a while I started questioning whether it was right or wrong knowing that they would be put through pain. On the other hand I started suffering myself thinking why can't I do what I wish to do. Why are emotions of love actually restricting me? Although you should also be mindful whether your emotions are actual love or lust. Neither is bad, just be mindful of which it is. Ultimately, I have resigned to two thought patterns. To allow the environment to shape me and help me understand at a later point of my life through experience. And to treat those who choose to be with me with respect and unconditional love. It gets even harder when you start to question whether they truly love you as a person or if it is your own psychic/thought power magnetizing them. And to add salt onto injury, when they do something you know will pain them in the future do you help them? And if you do help them what if it causes them more pain now? Due to not experiencing or knowing of the pain that they will endure in the future they may end up hating you. Do you let them go experience it? If they don't listen and end up being injured you will start to feel even more pain. You must get past these thoughts as that is what true unconditional love is. In the beginning I was pained and hurt when I saw so much suffering. But slowly you realize you can't control other people. It is not your fault for magnetizing others. If you wish however, you can learn to lower your energy and vibrational levels to not cause unnecessary conflicts when they are not necessary. But it is not your duty to lower your vibration for others.

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us. You playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened in shrinking so other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine like children do. It is not in some of us it is in everyone. And as we let our own light shine we unconsciously gives permission to others to do the same. Our presence automatically liberates others."