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Difference between manifestation and precognition?

Started by Junked, September 10, 2013, 04:18:37 PM

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Something has long been on my mind for a while now. I have always wondered if foresight is manifestation or precognition. So I am asking the guestbook for your thoughts on the subject.

In my opinion, they are the same. Like a river time flows and is not linear thus you may have manifested the action and then foretold it. Now that I think about it though, there may also be cases of differentiation where you are sensitive to vibrations and saw the manifestation of action from others or just nature. Would that still be called precognition or would it be called vibration sensitivity? What if your excitement or realizing of your prediction of an event in turn spewed out so much belief and vibrational thought that it influenced the action to occur? I am not talking about before the event happens but after it occurs. The vibration is still there even if time has progressed. Perhaps the being who is 1 second before you's manifestation influenced your precognition and in turn a chain of infinity has happened?

Food for thought, let me know!