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1st Degree Initiation

Started by jca2012, June 09, 2012, 07:13:20 PM

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Hello there my name is Johnny glad to have found your site and appreciate your insight on things. I apologize if this is the wrong place for this however I am requesting respectfully for a 1st Degree Initiation if possible. I have practiced Bhakti/Siddha Yoga and Vaiyshnayvaism philosophies as well as Buddhism practices for the past few years, read various occultism, had shaktipat/deeksha and reiki initations including many accupuncture done. I am looking to improve myself physically mentally and spiritually to be the best person I can be. To grow as far as I can for myself and the world around me. I am interested in becoming a Wiccan and learning everything I can that have yet to learn and would be delighted if you were to initiate me! Thank you and have a good week!


Also I meant to add All this is to help me on my progression on spiritual enlightenment I will later on when I have money purchase a shaktipat healing from you if your not busy.


I encourage you to seek out your local wiccan coven, to get the formal training for the first degree.


Quote from: Mari on June 10, 2012, 03:02:22 AM
I encourage you to seek out your local wiccan coven, to get the formal training for the first degree.

Is that why I was having dreams of looking through my third eye seeing things more than before? The third eye has a lot of control over things I have realized by itself and through your guides. I have been seeking here in TN hard to come by one.


  I am a Witch, not wiccan. Wicca is a religion.
  When you initiate someone first degree, the karmic feedback of all of the initiate's  magical acts flows to the one who initiated them, until they attain second degree. Thats a lot of trust and responsibility to ask of a stranger and someone who would give you that probably doesnt understand it.

  For that reason it is often best for the seeker to find a way to initiate themselves, deal with their own learning curve karma and then seek additional training. Self initiation to pagan first degree is perfectly valid, and extra points for paddling your own canoe. If your intention is sincere, spirit will respond.
Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
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Quote from: Mystress on June 11, 2012, 03:58:02 PM

  I am a Witch, not wiccan. Wicca is a religion.
  When you initiate someone first degree, the karmic feedback of all of the initiate's  magical acts flows to the one who initiated them, until they attain second degree. Thats a lot of trust and responsibility to ask of a stranger and someone who would give you that probably doesnt understand it.

  For that reason it is often best for the seeker to find a way to initiate themselves, deal with their own learning curve karma and then seek additional training. Self initiation to pagan first degree is perfectly valid, and extra points for paddling your own canoe. If your intention is sincere, spirit will respond.

I have to admit I didn't fully believe your biography at first Mystress. I very much believed in you being a shaman but a witch less so. With your 2nd paragraph I must say that not only are you a witch but you are an exceptional being with a clear understanding of the laws that are intertwined.

It is the master's choice in reasons why they would allow their own karma (although we all share the same karma) to be influenced by a strangers. It would require an extreme amount of trust. A friend/teacher of mine (he does not teach me in actuality but we do meet every now and then. I call him teacher out of respect as he is wise with great advice for others ;) and old) told me that his teacher who past away has scolded him numerous amounts of times in different planes for showing off too much or leaking the mysteries of the universe to those who may abuse those teachings. He ended up losing his abilities for a while and now has even more abilities than he had before. So also to keep in mind is true masters/teachers are also there as guardians for you and that if you do find one they will have your best interests at heart. Although it is ironic that their own karma would be affected so they may just have ulterior motives hmm? :)