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Is this a form of initation or something else?

Started by 2Gemini, July 07, 2012, 08:28:52 AM

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there is something that happened to me in 2003 when I was 20 yrs old. I will keep it short and simple since I would just like to identify the phenomena. Been looking the internet for years and the only thing I found out it's that it might be a form of initiation but I'm not sure.

So... I was alone, making a salad and I accidentally cut my thumb. It was a small but deep wound and I remember being taken aback by the pain. As I was looking at my bleeding thumb (on the left hand, I still have a scar there almost 10 yrs later) I thought how vulnerable the human flesh is and I made a wish to become knowledgeable in how to cure human bodies completely. 

My thumb was pulsating and there was definitely an exaggerate sense of pain disproportionate to the size of the cut. So to calm myself down- I laid back on the couch and fell into a trance. I was aware of my surroundings but at the same time something shifted. In that moment I got a visitor. A man approached me from behind so that he bent over my head and positioned his mouth over mine.

There was no contact and while I wasn't afraid of him I didn't want him to touch me either so I struggled a bit. Of course I couldn't move and then, as I surrendered- the man started to blow on my mouth. His breath was cold it made my whole body chill and shiver.

The rest is a blur.

From that day forward I would get random visitations from this persona. He would appear while I would be taking a noon nap and telling me (in a calm voice) to wake up. This went on for some years- I would forget about this (I had other forms of visitations too) but then he would appear again and urge me to wake up.

But I wouldn't acknowledge his presence. I would be ignoring him and so he would leave saying that I was steel sleeping.

But then in 2009 something changed and I'm not sure I know what. I had my 1st kundalini rising in 2007, after I returned from a IFA initiation in Brazil, so it could be that but... I don't know.

So... this man appeared again while I was napping (in 2009- I was 26 yrs old) and he once again urged me to wake up. I pretended to sleep but this time he poked my rib, just over my heart with his finger and my heart started to race.

And then for the first time he showed some emotion, I felt happiness in his voice (I guess we were conversing telepathically) as he stated: You are awake. You feel me in your heart. You cannot deny it.

And then I felt a truly potent cool wind that started flowing from him towards my mouth and I felt compelled to open my mouth and take this breeze with deep breaths. As I was doing this I thought: your wisdom is my wisdom.

Oh wow... talking about keeping it short and simple. I'm sorry if I was being overly detailed.

As most of the folks here I had my kundalini risings, my night visitations that started in my childhood and gave me insomnia in my teenage years, premonition dreams, astral travels, unexplained illnesses that scared my mother etc... but I found the answer to most of that occurrings.

This exchange of breaths though... remains a mystery to me. So I joined this forum hoping someone could provide some info on this so I could research this phenomena on my own.

I found this site yesterday and felt the urge to ask for some guidance since you seem to "know your stuff"- I mean that in the most polite and respective manner, of course.

I wanna thank any potential reader in advance for his/her time.


Hello, 2Gemini.  Thank you for your post.

Since it seems that what you're going through seems positive, in spite of your resistance, try this on and see if it resonates.

From this site, k-t, -