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Quick Question About Telekinesis - PSI Wheel

Started by NeverSure, July 21, 2012, 05:02:32 PM

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Hello Everybody,

I have been trying the PSI wheel exercise for myself just to see if it actually works. Interesting thing is that it did work after my second try. Later on I read that it is the heat from the hands that creates the movement, however I have seen people do it without hands.

Long story short - is it real?

Thank you,



Well there are many machines whit some claims to somehow show, measure paranormal.
But I think it is really irrational. I played with it long time ago. And also did myself Kirlian photography.
I had idea at the time I think.. that if I would find a proof that spirituality existed then somehow my life would change.
That I would somehow find a strength to be a good and spiritual person.
Many years after it I got proof of phenomena that could be not been hypnotic or hallucinatory.
Simply 100% proof. But something strange happened... nothing changed.

But then I realized when scientific certainty of my own death will not motivate me to live conscious and good life and move me to awaken. Than no other scientific proof ever will.

I could see auras then, but strangely I could see aura around my shadow and also around me when looking into mirror.  So that would easily blow out any semi-scientific theory concerning aura as any type of radiation if I thought about it.

But more knowledge did not helped me much. Because I even with new data, I worked still in the old level of consciousness. And new set of knowledge was assimilated but was insufficient to provide energy for growth. So it could have been only a delay strategy from ego:  I do this when.. But ofcourse when this "when" came how could the change be? I mean If I left all my habits and mind structures untouched? In fact I was worse off, more stuffed with nonsense.
Well ego is tricky. I know it myself.
So hopefully you know that this is nothing new at all.
