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Third eye headaches

Started by atum123, March 03, 2013, 01:18:28 AM

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hi all, this is my first post. would love some feedback from anyone who knows! i apologize if its a bit long winded.

start here:
it feels like i cant stop focusing on the middle of my forehead, the pressure gets so great that it feels like something will burst. i fear the worst because i do not know exactly what i am getting myself into and paranoid ideas such as blood vessels bursting, or a cerebral hemmorage plauge my mind. ive adjusted to the way my mind works now and days, i learned about opening my forehead long ago but my question is if it really is something spiritual or will i cause myself physical harm? if i could learn the truth about these physical sensations i feel that i could go much further with this. i rarely ever meditate my third eye on purpose now, but it seems like it wants to do it on its own sometimes. especially if i choose to partake in a special green herb. im no longer afraid and ive gotten past the initial madness that came with foolishly prying my third eye open years ago when i was younger, that doesnt scare me anymore. but the migraine headaches do! its tricky because its almost addicting in the way that the pressure in my forehead feels pleasurable and soothing at times, but afterwards i may be left with a splitting headache. cannot find a reliable source of information on this anywhere, and sometimes i feel that people are just way too cryptic with the way they write for me to understand. however, that being said any feedback is greatly appreciated!


Hello, atum.   Working with the third eye can cause pressure in the head.  Grounding will open your crown and allow the pressure to dissipate.  It can also give you a therapeutic distance between your own and other people's stuff. 

grounding animation - http://kundalini-teacher.com/meditations/gr_anim.php

about grounding - http://kundalini-teacher.com/meditations/grounding.php


Fear, upset and anxiety close the crown.  You can open it by grounding. 



The imperative of kundalini, is surrender. Surrender means "give up" and with kundalini that means give the problems to Goddess within yourself to sort out for you.

  "Goddess please take this pressure from my forehead and whatever is causing it. Thank you." (deep breath and think about something else!)

   There is a whole section of this site about surrender and clearing karma blockages, and a whole lot of the problems people post about could be resolved by using it.

  When I do sessions with people I am finding their blockages with second sight, empathy and intuition and asking Goddess within them, to take the stuff. They have to agree "yes, thank you" because free will is Goddess law and being Goddess for other people is a no win. Of course Goddess takes it, She is pushing on it in the first place to get you to let it go. Kundalini wants to take all your karma so you evolve and become enlightened. Flow with the process by handing the stuff over to Her. The most powerful force in the universe, infinite wisdom outside of time can resolve stuff miraculously if you ask in the right way because it is also, you. Your Infinite Self. 

  Blockages are Kali's lunch and you are Her waiter. Bring it to Her. All of your karma is on Her menu, that is what k awakening is about. Do you want her dancing on your chest ripping your guts out with migraines or will you give it up willingly?

   Everything already belongs to Goddess but She respects your free will. The pressure and pain people describe is the energy pushing on blockages, trying to push the stuff out because you have not consented to let it go willingly, yourself.  The energy has to use a jackhammer where a feather would do if you would just *ask Her.*

   Realize that once k awakens your life is no longer your own. It belongs to Her... in fact it always did but the more you acknowledge it with the free will of your ego mind the smoother things get.

  Sorry if this sounds cranky but Goddess gave me a fat dose of ADHD for the creativity it brings and it also makes me really not like to repeat myself, I get impatient. Thats is why I built a website that is like a giant Kundalini FAQ of all the most frequently asked questions.  The impatience is not aimed at you specifically. Go read the karma section, learn to surrender  and fix yourself up.
Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
K-list community - https://kundalini-gateway.org