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Another Chance?

Started by martello, January 10, 2008, 04:44:35 AM

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In reference to Hank Wesselman's Book 'Spiritwalker' where he is lying in his bed reading and for the first time he sees what could be described as circular lines and dots.  Soon after he is pulled from his body and he meets up with death itself. (Sorry if this sounds a bit patchy as it has been some time since reading the book.)  

The question I would like to ask is, if someone experienced a similar scenario with seeing the lines and feeling the vortex pulling them from their body but resisted would another opportunity occur or is this a once in a lifetime chance?

I would appreciate it if anyone could comment on this.

Thank you.


I have seen lines on a couple of occasions. The first time I saw lines was in a dream, I received a message on my phone but the screen had lines with colored balls attached to the end of the, they looked like shooting stars but they were shooting downward.
The second time I saw them was in a dream as well, I was the passenger in a car that was driving too fast.
I remember thinking this guy is going to lose control, about 30 seconds later the car left the road and should have smashed into the trees but we were just driving through these lines again.  


I have done a rough sketch of what I saw in my dreams.

In the dream they were moving though.