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Few questions

Started by Maximus, November 02, 2012, 08:17:38 AM

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Lately I've been reading about FST tummo, and I must admit that I feel drawn to it. I have a difficult time coping with intense hate/rage/shame stored somewhere in 2nd chakra area. The pressure is just so intense, and the shaking-spasmatic kriyas that come with it which make me want to scream with rage (kinda impossible to do when my father is home). Would tummo somehow soften the process? If not, I'm OK with that, I can go with surrendering moar with roar. However the option of smoke-only-method instead of burning-hot-lava feels very, veeery nice.

And this question was always with me, If there are things like tummo, or someone who can clear the blocks, why Shakti cant do it in the first place? I mean, just clear it (in the same way as the person,or tummo would), especially if its is supposed to be DIY process.

The other thing is money. I kinda have problem with it, lol. Is it OK to use the law of attraction if someone is awakened, or always go 100% Goddess has it handled, even when it comes to small things? The answer seems pretty obvious to me, and maybe its Goddess's will for me to go through blocks this way instead of tummo, if money won't come.

Any answers, insights are most appreciated, lotsa love!!!


  I work from a place of believing Goddess has it handled, everyone is That and needs nothing.  Keeps me balanced, away from any hero trips. On another page I ask the initiation junkies:  what do you think someone else can give you that Goddess will not, if you ask Her? 

  I recognise a lot of people do not feel that way, they believe they need me. It is a thin line for me, acting from compassion vs validating that limiting belief. I prefer to empower people rather than be Goddess icon for what they need to find within themselves.

  Not into the Guru gig. I find it disempowering to people, and it is hazardous for the Guru. Gurus die of their seekers karma and resistance, it attacks the liver, kidneys or heart depending on their focus. That sort of martyrdom holds no appeal.

  I think the essence is about communication and community. Symptoms of blockages are the body asking to let go of stuff, and some people do not understand the language of the body-mind and need a translator.  If you look at the website as a whole, it is all that sort of translations: What things mean, what the body is trying to say with various symptoms and effects.

  Community is about people: The K-list in particular- it  is enormously comforting to find others going through the same weird stuff.

   Another healer I knew when I first hung out my shingle had this advice with regards to money and what people can affoard: "It is not my job to validate their scarcity consciousness."  She does not do any volunteer work.

  I tread a middle path: So much offered for free on this website and my other lists and forum, and some things are not.  I give the most care to my Fire Serpent Tantra students because in paying the tuition they demonstrate a sincere commitment.

  There is something to Maslow's hierarchy of needs: if someone has not gotten the basic body needs of food, shelter and safety sorted out then the body is in a state of stress that affects the mind. They probably do not have a solid foundation to pursue higher spiritual calling.

I am a shaman and shamans always get paid, one way or another. Not necessarily from the one who is helped, not always in cash but there is a sort of karmic balance.

  The other side of it is that some people think free= worthless.

  I am more willing to invest energy in someone who is willing to invest in themselves, put their money where their mouth is. Money is a form of energy. Overall it is a cleaner and healthier energy exchange if people pay me for my time. Time is the one non-renewable resource- a moment passes,  it is gone and you cannot replace it... I prefer to work with people who demonstrate they appreciate the value of my time. 

It is said that the Japanese have 13 ways to say thank you, and every one translates as "resentment of debt." For sure I have felt the truth of it from some people whom I have been too generous with. They bite the hand that feeds.

  Tummo initiations are totally underpriced, they are worth much more than the price I ask, especially all the karma cleansing that is part of the activation. The way the activation proceeds, a lot of work is time travelled to be gentler: "at a pace the seeker can handle." The side effect of this is that the activator may get karma incoming from the session weeks, months or even years later when the initiate is ready to process what was triggered by the gentle invocations.  How do you even begin to put a price on that?

  If someone is meant to have a Serpent Fire Tummo activation, Goddess provdes the cash for it.   
Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
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Quote from: Mystress on November 17, 2012, 05:38:49 AM

  Not into the Guru gig. I find it disempowering to people, and it is hazardous for the Guru. Gurus die of their seekers karma and resistance, it attacks the liver, kidneys or heart depending on their focus. That sort of martyrdom holds no appeal.

Hi Mystress,

Thank you for your guiding words (and your website). Why would it be hazardous for the Guru? Why would the Guru be affected? Have they not "transcended" Karma and the effect from others?

Thank you,


Well, few days after I posted this I was like "maaan, its basics, put some faith in Goddess mb?". I even forgot what was that problematic. Maybe it was another dream with Mystress which I had few days after, and woke up very very grounded/present. I re-read few pages on this site again and stumbled upon passage saying that sometimes stuff stays even after few cleansings and it is a gift from Goddess. Well, she was helluva generous to me : D.  However without it, I wouldn't learn so much, well, I wouldn't learn anything. It gave me lots of understanding of what surrender is, and still does.

And yes, I have observed that whatever I got for free, wasn't that much valued, and I still have some unpurchased stuff to read or listen to. But when there was exchange, as you said, healthy and justified exchange of "energy", I would take as much from it as I could, and put it to good use. So regarding spiritual services, I wouldn't even think of asking for something for free, esp. if theres so much already available. It just doesn't feel right.

And thank you, thank you veeery much for this bits of your time that you gave me in form of this and other responses, taking into account how much of it already you are probably devoting to other people. And it gets easier and funnier/lighter to put trust on this feeling of Goddess within(especially when its growing and gets closer to my experience), and then see what happens. Remarkable. Thank you once again, for filling a little hole in my understanding.


Quote from: Jeff on November 17, 2012, 08:19:26 AM
Quote from: Mystress on November 17, 2012, 05:38:49 AM

  Not into the Guru gig. I find it disempowering to people, and it is hazardous for the Guru. Gurus die of their seekers karma and resistance, it attacks the liver, kidneys or heart depending on their focus. That sort of martyrdom holds no appeal.

Hi Mystress,

Thank you for your guiding words (and your website). Why would it be hazardous for the Guru? Why would the Guru be affected? Have they not "transcended" Karma and the effect from others?

  Maybe they have, but their body has not. It takes the hits.
  Do some research, what do Gurus die of? What sorts of illnesses are they troubled by?  Why would they be troubled by illnesses at all if they have transcended, as you say? Why do so many of them die relatively young?

  Why do so many end up a bit psycho, with weird control dramas like dictating who their devotees should marry?

  Gurus, empathic healers, massage therapists and chiropractors all suffer liver, kidney, or heart problems, in that order from taking on karma that turns toxic because the owner won't let it go.

  Ramana maharishi , probably one of the most enlightened men of modern times said it straight up: the liver disease that killed him was caused by his seekers karma, what they would not let go... their resistance. This statement from him really got my attention, because if he could not survive the work, what hope for the rest of us? Spent years researching, meditating, inquiring.. working it out. The dynamic is simple. Free Will is Goddess law and gurus die of being poisoned by their devotees resistance, just like he said.

  You see the difference between white magic and black, is of consent. White magic is consensual, but if the seeker goes into resistance then consent is effectively withdrawn and the healer ends up taking the karma hits for black magic even though there was no intent to harm. Goddess won't take stolen property and so the toxic junk gets stuck in the healer, poisoning the organs of body purification.  Liver and kidneys. It goes after the heart if they believe "all you need is love." You need more than love, you need respect for the free will of others that is signaled by the power chakra, not the heart.

  The nature of ego, is resistance... people going into resistance at various points in their awakening is just inevitable. The sort of people who are attracted to the idea of a guru are the sort who do not want to take responsibility for themselves, they want to pass the buck for their spiritual well being, dump the karma on somebody else to deal... is that not itself, a form of resistance? 

The bizarre control dramas are the body instinctively trying to get more control to force surrender... plus the nature of karma is all ego bits, madness and fear, if its not released it starts to affect the mind just as it does for the original owner. Result: paranoia.

  It mostly seems to be one or the other... the insane gurus live longer healthy than the ones who are able to maintain enlightenment but get sick. I think it is related to how embodied they are. Some eastern ideas of enlightenment involve escaping the body to live in the crown chakra... they stay saner but the body becomes frail and has no boundaries. The embodied ones fall from grace and go into playing victim, which sends some of the karma back to the owner.

  Around 2005 I started getting edema, first sign of an overworked liver. I retired from public session work, and now will only do karma clearing sessions with the sincere: my Fire-Serpent Tantra students, and only after they have spent 20 weeks working through the first 20 lessons and established themselves in grounding.

  Fact is, because of the existence of this highly charged site and my other work, at any given moment I might be processing karma from hundreds of people, incoming because the shakti energy goes into anything creative I do, whether I want it to, or not. Sometimes I wish it wouldn't but what I want is not relevant.

   Most of it is handled autopilot because I take care to stay in a state of surrender and my mindfullness of energy hygiene is 24/7. I stay embodied, so I can feel my body signals of what is incoming and deal immediately before it gets embedded.

  For all that, probably the reason I am still sane is because of being a shaman. I have died of other peoples karma so many times... I get too muddy or burnt out, my guide kills me off, tossed through my own death gate taking the junk with me. Shamans live with one foot in the underworld anyway, being dead means both feet. Cannot say its a pleasant process, very hard on the body but have to admit it is effective. It is not something I do... (ego death rituals are ego based and don't work as advertised!) it is something happens to me.

  Shamans don't get much in the way of free will.. that is,  technically we do have it but any effort to actually use it represents resistance and resistance is 100x more lethal to a shaman than to a kundalite.

Has happened at least twice so far this year, most recently a few days ago, going head to head with a stupidly stubborn young shamans embedded resistance because I prefer my students to not die on me.  How many times does one person need to walk the hell road bardo journey eh? Shamans get to know the road so well, we are tour guides carrying the keys to all the gates.  Attaining those keys is a long journey that a significant number of shamans die of, physically.

  I shake my head at the newly awakened who become kundalini-contagious and go off on some ego based hero trip granting Shaktipat to awaken kundalini to anybody. They have no clue that doing that means the karma of those they forcibly awakened will flow to them for about a decade... and the resistance will flow to them too, and worse if the person wasn't really ready... and they are never ready, if they were Goddess would awaken them spontaneous and they would not need shaktipat.

  Some start to get the paranoia and use protection spells, but that just means the junk ricochets, and will land on the people who care about them.  High price to pay for the ego based hero trip. Useless to tell them so.

  Grounding is do-it-yourself Shaktipat, but in Goddess hands. Anybody who ppractices grounding sincerely will become awakened when the practice has purified the body enough for them to be ripe for it.

  Anyway, I have been meaning to write an essay on this topic for the website for some time, and now I have... thanks for inspiration. 

Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
K-list community -


Dear Mistress,

Thank you for your guiding words. Could the same thing happen with energy healers? Also, is it possible that the energy from the students issues "resonated" with unresolved issues of the guru (still stored in the body)?

Thank you again.

Peace, Love & Light, Jeff


Could the same thing happen with energy healers?

  I think I already said it does...

Also, is it possible that the energy from the students issues "resonated" with unresolved issues of the guru (still stored in the body)?

  Thats a popular theory and on the lower levels it is true and actually helps you locate your karma by examining the reflections.

  On a higher level it has a lot more to do with free will and consent. As one grows in purity=power the karma feedback of disrespecting free will grows commensurately greater.

  Incidentally, someone who is completely cleared of karma becomes an Ascended Master and Ascended Masters generally have a non interference policy so you won't often find them hanging out a shingle to be guru. If all you see is perfection and that Goddess is all, then there is nothing to fix... So do they really want to validate your limiting beliefs about your self by helping you or would they rather be gardening.

  I ascended in 97. Walked away from my work, didn't see a point. People were bugging me to come back to it, healing teaching and all that... wasn't interested.
"Help me find the Goddess." 
"You are That. Next question?"

  and they would go away confused lol... but I didn't care and had no interest in explaining stuff that just Is.

  After a while some ADHD restlessness and maybe a bit of Shamanic imperative kicked in and since I had not figured out anything better to do with my life (no judgments) I decided to accept the direction Goddess in other people was pointing me in.  I went back to my websites and read them as if they belonged to a stranger and thought hey pretty cool gig. I find people really interesting and watching people grow is cool.

  I still don't believe anybody really needs me to do this stuff and if I do believe it I get descended! So the unresolved karma you are talking about could be something like the stupid Bodhisattva vow.  Keep at it until all sentient beings are saved is not seeing them as Goddess will manifest eh?

   Shamans aren't really made to stay ascended like that, its a service position like lamas.  Ascension is home, duality is where the work is at.. though I do prefer to work from home lol! I don't forget what it is like to be ascended, when I am descended.  I recently descended part way for 3 years (my shaman guide did it to me actually) to train the shamans because I had an attachment to them actually surviving the process and Hell road is too far from home for an easy commute.  :) It worked, they are both doing great, full shamans now and one is also ascended master so I went home.

  Didn't take me long to get back, I know the road well. Ironically the final key this time was to take on an enormous load of karma from a self professed black magician who asked for my help. I went insane for about 12 hours processing all that in me but once I chewed through all that pile what ever was leftover of my stuff or the shamans had gone out with the bathwater and I was both sane and ascended again.  Don't try this at home, kids! lol. 

  So last week at the FST students chat I demonstrated the difference between self reliance on the inner guru like I teach vs external guru. After the external guru demo I sad OK so now look for your stuff in me and they were all "where is it?" I actually had to get them to time travel their perceptions back to the split second I had taken it on for them to see anything.. and what they saw was it poofing the instant it entered my field.

  Ascension means the body has been purified of karma enough that it too ascends into nonduality (and wow it so rocks!) Ascended Master means knowing the road well enough to lead others and also comes with very little interest in doing so!

  The duality stuff of karma cannot exist in nonduality so it is zapped instant and effortless. So the demo did not turn out as expected... I had been trying to show why the guru gig is disempowering to people and bad for the guru but I kinda forgot about being ascended again.... and instead ended up impressing them with my guru powers. oops! I was inspired to give the power back in a way that got them all oriented back to focusing on Goddess within themselves instead of me being that for them and feeling that shift made my point clear to them.

Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
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