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Something i'm trying to make sense of

Started by biki91, November 04, 2012, 04:50:27 AM

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Okay so i while ago i went to europe and had a wierd encounter that has left me feeling very confused and scared.
I was walking in a park with my sister and one gypsy man paused me and said something about a purpule aura. Then he showed me a card trick where he told me to imagine a card without touching the deck or anything, and he shuffled the card and found the card i envisioned. Anyway then it got really wierd, i got wierded out by the card trick so i wanted to go, but i realised i couldnt move, it felt as if paralysed, i couldnt even talk back, even though no one was touching me, all he did was keep eye contact. Anyway the next thing he did was mutter something in some language and them he placed his thumb on the place between my eyes, and thats when i kinds felt knowcked out, like i just got ran over by an elephant.  I felt very dizzy, but then i felt like i wasnt paralyzed anymore so i pretty much ran to my hotel. That whole day i felt like my vision was blurred, i was looking but not really seeing the colours in the world, like green blue, etc, things looked black and white. I recovered but i still feel like im not seeing the world like i used to. I dont know if this makes sence, but im hoping some can explain to me what happened, and if its bad, how do i fix it?

A Person

Do you use the grounding meditation? Or awareness of breath?

I would suggest you simply take time to ground, and be aware of breath.
Illusionists are tricksters, and it's very easy to be fooled when we are not rooted well within.

Now this is just my opinion, i am not an authority on such matters, how do you feel now?


Thank you for your reply, i didgnt know what grounding meditation and awareness of breath are but i googled them and turns out thats pretty much what i was doing at least twice a week before i travelled, i just knew them with a different name.

Right now i feel probably worst in all my life, everything seems to have turned out wrong in my life after that trip. Lost my job, broke up with my boyfriend, and the relationship i got it after that was just one bad luck event after another (we are finally over now after 2 yrs of struggle), failed uni, and i feel like ive lost myself and its the first time in my life that i havnt been able to fix anything no matter how hard i try. And now i finally feel like i want to stop trying. Maybe i'm just depressed im considering going to a doctor so he can put me on medication, that way ill know if there is a difference. I know im deep in my hunk now because i dont remember what it felt like before when everything was right. I dont know what im chasing anymore, im come to accepance that nothing will improve probably.

I havnt done any form of spiritual work since then, i just cant bring myself to even attend church once a year let alone meditate.  I havnt done anything related to meditation since then but ill give it a go, maybe it'll help. If you have any other tips for me please help.


Hello Biki,

Sorry to hear what you're going through.... but the fact is, *nobody* can in the end have power over you like this, unless you allow it somehow. Gypsy had some hypnotising talents, and it seems you go easily into trance. Gypsies sudden attack on you, his magnetic  scary magical charisma knocked you out from your body. When you are not in your body, you're easily suggestible. If you would have had more understanding and previous training, you probably would have felt his creepiness for a while and then shrugged and moved on with your life. Maybe asked some help from a trusted healer to clear the depris of the encounter. Some part of you has now given quite much power to this Gypsy. Hang on to being positive, no matter what. I am sure you still have some good things in your life. Make a gratitude list, count your blessings, no matter how insignificant those good things feel right now. Do it often, maybe even daily. I have done it during tough times, and it helps. It shifts your focus away from the troubled issues to the blessings you have in your life. What you focus on, grows.

See this as your spiritual awakening, underworld initiatory journey. All troubles that you describe has happened to so many of us... without any gypsies around. Gypsy saw purple aura, you were on the edge of awakening anyway to catch his attention.  Awakening isn't always so great... been there done that :) Take your power back, turn your focus within. Read some books about descending to meet the Dark Goddess. That might give you some perspective on all this.  

You are much stronger than you could ever believe...I honor the Goddess in you *bows*

I encourage you to do grounding meditation many times in a day. If you are deep in your body, filled with your own energy, there's no room for fear. Also, might be good to do entity clearings for a while. Focus the entity clearing exercise to the ones that might have come from the gypsy or are somehow related to this situation.

Make sure your soul spark is where it should be regularly, might be that the spark took a hike because of the trauma. I already asked it to come back, but you could continue checking where it is, calling it back and giving it love:
