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Not Sure

Started by Motova, November 01, 2012, 04:32:48 PM

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Months ago before I found this site. I had a dream where I met a women with red haired woman with some kind of robe in some basement (?). There were a bunch of animals in the immediate area. I think some were dogs. Haha. She seemed very comforting and I think I remember we hugged. However, we never talked to each other.

I'm not sure it was Mystress, but the dream really stood out and I remember finding the site shortly after. I don't know why but I felt compelled to share, and maybe get some clarification? :P



  Were they dogs or white wolves? Arctic ones? :)
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Quote from: Mystress on November 17, 2012, 04:05:36 AM
  Were they dogs or white wolves? Arctic ones? :)

Sorry I've been having problems with my account. I had to make a new one, as I was unable to post a thread, reply, or even send pms.

To be honest, I'm not sure. I wasn't focused on the animals. I do remember the animals being confined to cages, but the whole place was calm and didn't come off as restrictive. It felt open.

O sorry about the OP, the grammar is a bit wacked. ::)