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Tummo Initiation Experience

Started by Mystress, January 04, 2013, 02:04:39 PM

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  I got your envelope but you havent responded to my email and the phone number you provided is out of service. 
Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
K-list community - https://kundalini-gateway.org


Cannot respond, getting an error everytime,

I have updated my phone number, I will send it through Private Message


Received it exactly 7 days .

Immediatley, with much blockages already being cleared, after the phone call ended with Mystress, insight/intuition was very clear and to this moment, I feel very unimpeded and clear minded, able to "move" with everything very freely and wow it's so easy to connect to other human beings, must of been some blockages. Laughter has been a major side effect.

The heat of Tummo/Shakti surrounds my body, I feel like an asteroid flying through the atmosphere.

Also, since the initiation, i've been doing the grounding visualization everyday, not 8 times, around 4 or 6, whenever It's physically possible and this has really really helped, can't express it in words.

To sum it up, a greater feeling of love for everything and a sense of joy has been uncovered through the initiation, just blockages and stuffs covering it up!

The most other noteworthy thing from the initiation is Faith in Goddess I'm a Buddhist practitioner so I never considered God or anything, just Nirvana but there is something else there too.

Thank you to Mystress who was a fantastic person to work with, very present and experienced, could easily place my trust in her guiding the process and knew that she knew what she was doing and thank you of course to Goddess!


  It was a pleasure working with you. So glad the experience was good for you and thanks for posting.

  I do need to clarify something to readers in general. I retired from doing tummo initiations myself, several years ago and passed the work onto Sigmund, who has since retired from that activity and tummos are now handled by my Lineage priestess Mari. 

  Mari's initiations are excellent and she has my full approval. She is shaman like me, got many years extra training from me because of that, and I recommend her highly. Her perceptions are good and her insights are laser. You can probably feel from her posts, her shakti is powerful.  She gets automatic notification of all paypal payments for tummo activations and contacts clients to set up appointments herself.

  I will still do remote intiations, which means no real-time contact.. I do the activation and cleansing in meditation, and send an email summary after.   Often Goddess sends it partly time travelled so you may experience it happening over a period of days.

   I really only recommend this to people who already have a good sense of energy sensitivity to cooperate with the process.  Most people seeking tummo, want the personal attention and someone to talk to. Mari is great.

  I made an exception for nolan because she sent cash via snailmail,  she doesn't have reliable internet for secondlife, chat or skype, and is physically local. She could phone me for free but long distance charges to Mari in Finland would have really added up and we had so many communications problems to begin with I didn't want to add to them.

Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
K-list community - https://kundalini-gateway.org