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Marijuana and the Kundalini

Started by Motova, October 18, 2012, 05:22:38 PM

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Hello everyone.

I'm a marijuana smoker, and I'm trying to quit. So I have some questions pertaining to this:

How does marijuana affect the Kundalini?
Can marijuana be used to progress spiritually? If so, how? And, how far?
What are good meditation techniques for overcoming addictions?

Thanks. :)



This is my experience. Last year I used to smoke a lot marijuana and tobacco, I personally think that marijuana helped me to concentrate and get motivated on meditating (as I was having much difficulties with adhd symptoms), and trough smoking I started to relax and enjoy the trip, I learned so much about chakras and energies, then started to do some yoga also.  I've had BIG problems with grounding myself, and that is also a reason why I was heavily feeling paranoid some time.

One year later my kundalini awakened (2011 winter/spring) (I started to try grounding really serious). It was really amazing and cool thing. Month or a two later kundalini started to show me more dark side and I was really afraid and paranoidical. I was feeling like spirits and everything were attacking and my mind was so full of noise.

The negative thing was that smoking really boosts energies and got me quite tired sometimes. Sometimes I couldn't sleep cos there was "too much light" and closing eyelids would just boost everything. There were lots of fears underlying.

Things started to settle after time, as I got more purified from karma & the baddest fears. Things that helped, Angels, praying, Sacred mantras, trying to be silent, not watching any videos or other too stimulating things, fresh air. Shakti started to feel more joyful.

Now I'm at the point that I can't really smoke any weed. I had to stop smoking cos of my lungs, they became quite bad shape and my _mouth_. I was feeling that my throat and mouth was filled with heavy smoky dirty feelings. (maybe some infection on the physical side, i had dry mouth and this all was affecting my sacral chakra). Meditating helped to open up all the blocks, for some time. Now it takes much time to fix all the bad things that came along.
My throat, mouth and chin (to the bones) has problems, they are stiff and heavy feeling, teeth are biting 'empty' and so on.

First I stopped daily tobacco smoking and daily marijuana smoking, but I kept smoking marijuana few times a week or few times per month, Now that I've been not smoking for many months, it's more difficult to feel the grounding so easily and strong. Marijuana helped me to get rid of the main blockages from the spine and really get my roots to the center of the earth and it was also easier to surrender and feel joy of bliss and god. Now the ego is not so easy to handle.. I went to reiki I course and it has been a real blessing for this journey to continue.

ohh, the thing with marijuana was also that kundalini and marijuana together were quite strong to the nervous system.

Some time ago I got afraid of kundalini again cos I got more awakened and was quite hyperactive and got some issues with different dimensions. I liked this new travelign feeling but I also had to go to school and I didn't feel enough concentrated on school things as my body was feeling big burst of energy going like rollercoaster. So kundalini calmed and I kind of "forgot" it, and then my energy centers came more blocked. I got depressed and lack of sexuality came accross, shame and guilt.

Now I'm trying to call shakti back! I hope She's mercyful... :D

But really, the toxins can be dangerous to your mind and body! I had to go to the doctor to see what has happened to my throat. I wish for the best that it can be cured. It's easier to surrender also when not fighting with unnecessary physical pain.  If your immune system & protection won't work well, you might get more easily unwanted visitors and attacks. Also the respect for the plant is important so that you don't judge it all the time "this is hurting my throat, but I don't mind", from that way I got sick. Body doesn't want something  but mind wants to feel good.

Vaporizer could be a big help for those who want to smoke. Marijuana can be really helping spirit and helps you to get connected to higher source for guidance & unconditional love :)



These issues are somethig I really cannot say much if anything. I haven't ever really used them. But my 2 cents for this comes from what I have seen around me. I don't recommend them, I have seen them mess up pretty bad the spiritually opened sensitives. I personally had such harsh shamanic awakening, that not sure would I be around if I would have been using for example cannabis. I might be locked up in a mental ward for good.

But I understand it's not that serious for most people, and cannabis has it's good qualities. But remember cannabis is illegal in Canada, so this discussion cannot go very far in this forum.



I quit, I've been clean for 2 weeks. I'm currently going through some nasty withdrawal symptoms (stomach aches, head aches, nausea). But I still feel way healthier mentally and physically. I have way more energy, my head is a lot less foggier. IT'S GREAT! I feel awesome, besides feeling like I have the flu. The withdrawal symptoms should be simmering off really soon.

I used marijuana two and half years ago, because I felt empty spiritually. So I smoked in an attempt of self discovery. I do feel I was successful, but I definitely became attached to it. Over the past few months it was really feeling like a burden - a hindrance to my growth (physically, mentally, and spiritually).

Two weeks ago, I finally thought I need to quit and I smashed my bong with a wrench lol (this happened very quickly, like I was possessed). I feel like I'm at a new stage of life! I'm happy that I could kick the habit before university.

I hope for those who are smoking and reading this that you can see that you don't need marijuana to relax, to meditate, or escape boredom. I found that I was just projecting these qualities on weed, and that it was just a plant and a feeling.

Thanks, and good luck. :D