The Fire Serpent Tantra Lineage members
are chosen from the most gifted FST graduates
and get additional training continously from Mystress
to carry on her work.

So thankful to have found this site!

Started by Violetshadows, February 07, 2013, 09:14:40 PM

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Thank you Mystress for creating such a wonderful site with so much fantastic information. The energy is delightful. I will be signing up for the Tantra course later next week and have paid for the serpent fire tummo initiation today via paypal. I'm hoping that the course and initiation will help me better navigate my kundalini experience. I was activated spontaneously years ago. But now the kriyas and movements are more intense with spontaneous mudras and vocalizations that are difficult to hold back when I am not alone. The emotional releases are intense and seem to come out of no where. And I feel stuck energies seeming to build that feel painful until they finally release. The physically painful part seems to have ended. No more joint swelling and intense night sweats. I've had times that I feel the need to do what I've heard others call the spirit dance when the energy becomes too uncomfortable. I'm hypersensitive to sound and other people's energies. Projections of a critical nature feel like a punch to my solar plexus. And many other of the oddities that seem to come and go are sometimes better but tend to come in clusters especially during solarflare activity.

I look forward to the course and initiation. Thank you for providing these resources!

Much Love.
