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wishing to be evaluated at the genuine shaman forum but I can't log in

Started by jewsifer, March 06, 2013, 11:09:43 AM

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Hey, I honestly believe I am going through a genuine shamanic initiation. I have experienced most, though not all of what Mystress Angelique describes in her writings, including Mr. Death showing up.
However I am using the username and password listed on this page: http://genuineshamans.org/member.html
and it is not letting me log in.


genuineshamans.org is a work in progress, it's not ready yet. But if you like, you can post about your journey here or send me an private message. Well there seems to be some troubles with sending PM's but you can try.



  wow The search engines found that website already? Yeah its totally not ready for prime time yet. When I saw the subject line of this post I thought it was about the shamans area of this forum, also under construction.

  I have found a way to teach anybody to detect a genuine shaman, how to detect the specific vibration, the hazard is that for non shamans to look too deep into that vibe in a shaman is incredibly dangerous to sanity and well being. I have written about 5 drafts so far choosing words so carefully.

  Thing is the world is full of arrogant fools who will rush to get into anything described as dangerous, and being arrogant about the sacred unique energy in a genuine shaman if you are not one will ( not, can, but Will) send you to the emergency ward for a shot of sedative because of full blown anxiety paranoia attack within 3 days.

  They say a little information can be a dangerous thing eh? 
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