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Advice regarding crown opening

Started by wakeupneo, April 22, 2012, 03:18:49 PM

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To make a long story short, I have been meditating very intensly for many years, many hours a day  Following the advice of a certain teacher much of the emphasis if not the entire emphasis of the practice was in the headspace.

A few months back, during a retreat I had an energetic awakening that cause much imbalance that still exists to this day.  Initially there was much psychic distortion, but this has faded and what remains is a general sense of aloofness, forgetfulness, disorientation and disconnect from my body and the physical dimension. This has made day to day living very challenging. This had led to anxiety/panic attacks and I was forced to take anti anxiety meds which seem to help tremendously.

I was hoping that typcial grounding techniques of running, eating heavy meals, etc. would rectify this situation, while they have to a degree, I still face many challenges.

Has anyone gone through something similiar. Is there someone out there I could speak too? There is quite a bit of fear regarding this whole situation and talking with someone who had experience this prior might help to allievate some of the fears I'm having.

Would I be a good idea to use the grounding techniques on this site or would that intensify the energy?

Looking forward to any and all productive feedback. Please refrain from any posts which would engender any fear or judgement.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. All the best!


  I encounter this all the time with the crown chakra yoga types. The crown chakra is not inside your body, it is above your head. Where your attention goes, your soul follows. The soul is the seat of consciousness and if you keep it parked in the crown you will experience :

  a general sense of aloofness, forgetfulness, disorientation and disconnect from my body and the physical dimension.

  That sort of detachment is what the old yogis wanted because their physical life sucked. Bring your soul back to its regular places just above the power chakra (where it functions as your guiding conscience) with the soul meditation in the medtations section, and by observing your body as it breathes, without trying to control the breath.

  Grounding is always safe.
Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
K-list community -


After the energy starts up the spine it pauses at the heart and you begin to continues up into the head and again pauses at the pineal and the eyes ratchet open and the third eye begins to it leaves the crown you feel extended into the "all that is" and by this time you are in full bliss and the third eye is open exposing a landscape of all things aura. Out the top now ones perception is of all living things are  pulsating aura and one accepts the knowledge of all that is and you know you have arrived.

My spontaneous awakenings have all been with others present and they unfold or run.

I don't meditate...thats wishing/blocking the letting go action....the way it happened for me was thru truth and diet and being able to let go when the gonads command you too. It starts with a heavy pain below the solar plexus and after letting out a scream my body went erect and the energy traveled fast up the can actually feel it and track it and in a way control it with breathing. Its all natural and when you get sucked back into ego you have major peace for about 3 days.

try be natural and honest in all dealing with others even if it exposes a lie...stand for the truth will set you free.


Quote from: wakeupneo on April 22, 2012, 03:18:49 PM
To make a long story short, I have been meditating very intensly for many years, many hours a day  Following the advice of a certain teacher much of the emphasis if not the entire emphasis of the practice was in the headspace.

A few months back, during a retreat I had an energetic awakening that cause much imbalance that still exists to this day.  Initially there was much psychic distortion, but this has faded and what remains is a general sense of aloofness, forgetfulness, disorientation and disconnect from my body and the physical dimension. This has made day to day living very challenging. This had led to anxiety/panic attacks and I was forced to take anti anxiety meds which seem to help tremendously.

I was hoping that typcial grounding techniques of running, eating heavy meals, etc. would rectify this situation, while they have to a degree, I still face many challenges.

Has anyone gone through something similiar. Is there someone out there I could speak too? There is quite a bit of fear regarding this whole situation and talking with someone who had experience this prior might help to allievate some of the fears I'm having.

Would I be a good idea to use the grounding techniques on this site or would that intensify the energy?

Looking forward to any and all productive feedback. Please refrain from any posts which would engender any fear or judgement.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. All the best!

Hello I am dealing with this same issue. I have had many awakening of Kundalini from the movement upwards. Your mind will get over loaded and will shut down from the Kundalini if you try to use Kundalini yourself. It could do damage. I had a big Kundalini awakening that opened my third eye much more to hear, see, and listen deciphering much more and things shaking around the room because of it. Using the mind so much to try and figure out enlightenment or seeking new knowledge will cause it to shut down because you are using the mind against the mind to learn and it's not good. Drug use can cause the mind to shut itself off as well for a while and may take up to many months to open back up. The mind when stressed goes into a hibernation period to protect itself from being destroyed or gone.

Start listening with your ears to the quietness when you meditate that will open you up to become more receptive and connecting with God, demi gods, and different beings around you and take pressure off of your head.


Hey gang! It's been well over a year since my crown opening which lead to a depersonalized state and due to a lack of maturity on my part, considerable trauma. Yeah I freaked out pretty bad.

Much of the energetic movement has subsided but I still feel dissconnected. I feel like a walking ghost, dettached from my memories, dettached from my personality. It has a much different flavor than that of samadhi which is blissful and sublime.

Does one need to consciously work to rectify this situation via mediation practice or is this something which will fade over time?
(individuals who have classic depersonalization via drugs or trauma, the way to remedy it is to pay it no mind and in time it gets better) I wonder if this is that same or different than the psychological diagnosis. The mind keeps spinning about what I should do, how I should do it, practice, no practice, etc etc, blah blah....

I would prefer that I don't do any practices. Meditation/pranayama still make me very uncomfortable. Every attempt I have tried at meditation leads to increased anxiety.

Any and all support/feedback would be very much appreciated in these trying times. You all are a wonderful bunch and I thank you Mystress for creating this forum in which we can share.


WB neo.

  The grounding is always safe to do.

  Lets break your symptoms down a bit, some of them are normal. Most my my life's memories have a remote feel like they belong to someone else, because the karma emotional content of them has been cleared and its the emotional stuff that we attach to. Without the emotions, memories are just stuff...

At the same time I am quite sentimental about some things because they are like remote memory storage. I still have some favourite childhood toys, clothes from high school etc because when I touch them I read the memories stored in them, not in me.

  The egos sense of identity is false, but the body has its own sense of itself, its boundaries and spirit speaks to the body directly because the body is the vessel of the soul.  The debate about how much of personality is from culture and how much is in the DNA gets even further muddied when we hear about transplant patients developing some of the same interests or habits as their donors....

When Goddess has taken so much ego identity you haven't got a clue who you are, it is time to give all focus to loving nurturing and caring for the body, and this will bring you back into it.  When ego is gone what is left is the personality embedded in your DNA which is who Goddess designed you to be! That is why enlightened people all mostly say the same stuff but are still often very different personalities! 

  So start getting very interested in who Goddess designed you to be by looking at your body and whats embedded in your DNA. Love your body! Caress it massage it feed it well and do the things that make it feel light and happy. Tend to it as carefully, lovingly and gently as you would a small child in your care and it will start to unfold its mysteries which includes new ways to use your brain that are about knowing without needing to think.
Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
K-list community -


Thank you for your guidance Mystress. I am humbled that you personally reached out.

I am drawn to doing the grounding meditation as intuitively I feel it could be of benefit.

However there is a bit of fear that I might activate K again. As far as I can tell K is dormant, for this I am very grateful and would not want to do anything that might once again agitate this force.

Much love,