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.......changing tact.....

Started by Rozanne, March 29, 2019, 12:14:02 AM

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.......this is all getting a bit heavy for me, as
though this cosmic dark arts religion was the
medium through which I gained enlightenment
and cosmic alignment.......

I have lots of phenomena which indicate my jew
karma is like really bad and i'm making it worse all
the time.

god has tried to hint to me that reality is reality
and I just have to go with that

i'm holed in now.

and each time I do a phone call or email
and pressurise people to accept

a kind of holocaustal view of things
and sign off........

.........British Anne Frank, Medical Gulag industrial Complex Fakenham
near Norwich....

the trouble is,

god punishes me,
what with the heavy sections I had

after being a liberator of Cromer

I can forgive everything, as sin-saint Katie says,

and her demon-winged friend Teal.....


I was surprised when the BBC outed a drama
on people of the purple or blue flame
on each continent

..........was laying on my mattress
wondering.......what is this??////

Mum Mish, red flame........woman of the Dalai Lama's wife joke.....
still just Mafia Mum Mish

I'm on death marches each day of the week,
and go into shops to test their anti-semitic boundaries
like it is 1600s.....

and I've lost a sense of knowing what is going on.

That's when I watch stuff from the Third Reich,
buildings which I've seen in.....just one dream....

and it is legs circulating, in a window on a cog,
with spikey shoes on them

in a streat with Death Soldiers on them.....

                 namaste? jewish friends?


The trouble with people who try to learn from me via direct spiritual transmission is, even the best channeller runs about 80% accurate and that 20% of error can really trip you up. There is nothing in my written teachings about this paranoid stuff you are talking about because none of it is real, you make it real for yourself by believing in it... your power to create your reality must not be fueled by fear, it makes a bad mess. Fear based decisions are bad for magic folk. Give all that stuff to Goddess to sort out.
  The most powerful prayer I know is "Goddess has it handled." So stop meddling.

Also, stop doing those drugs, that crutch is not needed and confuses things even more. ok?

  I am not some dead guru, I am a living teacher who has a course to teach through, eh? Fire Serpent Tantra? If you really want to learn from me why are you not there?
   Cultivate peace.
Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
K-list community - https://kundalini-gateway.org


Sorry I spoke with my Mum, who more or less controls
everything in my life down to a T. She confesses that
she's an enemy of your teachings because out of hand
she might have been a jealous objector to you in past lives.

Me, I'm just a scared person who plays tricks on people for fun.
And Kieron Cousell is a severe Satanist which effected our family.

And Geoffrey Treisman the Sage, is Gandalf........

...............its all crystals galore, but I hope your Fire Students....
help the Earth, whatever the earth's karma is, we would guess
you knew more than others.

And our only prayer was for the industrial complexes to stop
chemical abuse.