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Why I Am No Longer a Light Worker By Cameron Day

Started by Sean R, August 26, 2013, 01:20:36 AM

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There is no good side or bad side. See through the shroud as there is no evil in this world. Humans are beings between being beastly and intellectual. Whether it is the acts of DNA manipulation is no longer relevant. Is a beast at fault for killing to feed itself or it's young? An intellectual might argue that humans with our intelligence can cultivate plants but who is to know the plant's are not hurting? On that basis we might as well starve ourselves to death! Beasts are guided by their instinct and intuition to survive. Intellectual human beings are ideally supposed to use their intellect to survive. In essence we are still beasts! Clinging on to survive! However, there is a clear differentiation as you go up higher the vibrational ladder. Intellect/thought clearly vibrates at a higher ladder. I am not stating that having beastly desires is wrong because it is lower on the ladder. It is simply there alongside intellect. It is up to humans to decide which path they wish to choose. To go too low into beastly desires we will simply become cannibalistic/murderous creatures with possibility of exterminating our own race. Going to high and we are guaranteed to exterminate our race due to the nature of vibration on higher levels. As Jesus and others may have decided to enter back into those vibrational levels Buddha decided to exit out of the cycle all in itself. There are all choices, choices we are granted. I for one believe to cycle forth between beast/intellect with the most important aspect being balance. So the next time you hate someone, don't! Remember that they are simply performing actions with many good reasons. It may be for themselves or it may be for others but simply put it was an action. And there is no evil in trying to survive. To be fairly honest though in my opinion, although thinking in this way makes one believe that this world is full of suffering and an urgency to leave. (like Buddha decided he would) It is also equally important to experience this world and ride the waves. In retrospect, I have no idea who or what I want to become. All I know is that I AM.

As for the article I agree with some parts of it but I do not agree upon how it implied that yin-yang represents darkness and light. For yin-yang do not mean light and dark, love and evil, or purity and impurity. It is simply a symbol of duality. And mostly symbolized as the duality concept of Stability and Change. Taoists have a saying, From one came two and from two came three. From the three 10,000 others became the universe and its laws. So I personally think the author was wrong as the concept of yin-yang should be understood and respected as it is indeed a law that our universe was created upon. It is the law that allows one to feel happiness or sadness. It is the law that lets us experience the world we live in, albeit simulation or not.

The most ironic thing about that article is I find that the author is in fact hypocritical. To judge his "false" light as bad is essentially promoting duality. The thing is you can not escape duality as long as you are not apart of source. As long as you live in this universe which was created by duality and ultimately by source you will experience duality. However, it is fairly possible that an "evil" being is using the concept of duality in its favor but it is entirely separate from the laws this universe was created upon.

Sorry if you couldn't understand some of the postings. I am not too good with words :)


I'd also like to emphasize that although surviving may be attributed to the ego, is it truly wrong for it to want to survive? I understand my ego and have made balance with it. It guards and protects my physical being and I make decisions based on my current code of conduct.


   I prefer people not post outside links to this forum, as you well know Sean.
   There is nothing on this site that promotes lightworking, nor would there be as its an outdated and mistaken idea. The World is the symbol of the body in the symbolic language of the unconscious mind. I agree with Junkers the author is hypocritical, in fact its obvious he is not clear on the concept of nonduality if he claims to have attained it on one hand while at the same time promoting a belief in victimhood and so many tired old paranoid 90s conspiracy theories.

   This form has a purpose and posting whatever off site links happen to catch your interest isn't part of that purpose. Remember, its called a *guestbook.*
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