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Dark night of the Soul

Started by garylyn, July 21, 2013, 09:20:29 AM

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I was wondering if someone could advise me here.  I`ve been in the dark night of the soul for thirteen long years.  Unlike some in the dark night I`ve never experienced any kind of awakening or phenomena.  I`ve had spiritual guidance but that has deserted me.  It`s got to the point now where I`m just sick of reading and I find meditation distasteful, although I use other techniques through the day.  I was wondering if someone could advise me here as I`m running out of steam.



Generally dark night is traditional name for quite late in the process.
But there are many areas that do have the stuckness and depression in them aside from dark night.
Some do call them dark night as well. But there the ego component and not being in touch with body are more present.
My feeling is that what you describe is a bit like being locked in ego. Ie in one way looking on world and what you see is making you unhappy or depressed or bored. So you intuit correctly that spiritual path might be the way to go.
I heard once that boredom is just lack of observation skills. And it has a point, that one locked in one ego view simply filters out the new or new is somehow recolored to look just like the old.
Our body seem so common to us and yet it is a complexity and beauty that our mind cant grasp at all. It is good to sit and observe feeling in your body and connect to it more. In the end the body is the path out of the dark night of all kinds actually not intellect. As intellect is in this case ego bound and abstract concentration or cultivating disembodied practices is just not producing the lost feeling of aliveness and joy. Feeling that one is missing something essential and knowing the intellect is unlikely to provide resolution is an excellent progress.
FST is a body first path. And it is a longer course for the reason that to cultivate the relationship with ones body and trust to it takes time.
Use the discretion to feel if this ideas make sense for you or if something else is needed.

And let us know.
Love, Duu