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Question about Kundalini Rising

Started by surf, August 21, 2013, 09:38:40 AM

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Hello everyone,

I believe my kundalini is aroused but only the right channel.  Is there anything I need to do to allow for the movement to flow through the left channel as well or does that simply happen on it's own in time?   

I can feel the energy move around me and go upwards and it ends in the right side of my head.  Right where the head of the snake is in the picture where the two snakes wrap around the staff.

I am wondering, once kundalini moves up the spine through the central channel is that when the energy leaves from the two places at the top of the head (where the snake heads are in the pictures), going down and then back up the sushumna or does the energy from the two channels meet at the pineal gland and come together once both channels are activated and then go up through the crown? 

Any help in understanding is much appreciated as it feels uncomfortable only having the right channel active




Generaly it is thought right side to be solar and active connected to the left hemisphere of things of intelectual manipulations and object manipulations. And so it is connected more with ego.
Left side represent the opposite of it the intuitive side and has deeper relationship with unconsciousness.
So if you feel overheating or overly active mind you can try to correct that directly. And continue  clearing of blockages on the non flowing part. For me personally when I noticed a side disbalance, I also noticed that it reflected my real life. That I spend much time behind computer doing mostly visual stuff and doing much thinking. So I  noticed that disbalance in my life and started to focus more on my body, sensuality and started to play music. Something that I could do with eyes closed. And other things I felt like doing.
Im thinking that side disbalance is a clear indicator that ones life or even mystical ideas and focus has been maybe too one sided.



Wow thanks for this topic! The same thing has been on my mind/experience lately. Though I seem to have overactive left(lunar?) side of my body, from my foot to the top. In some of the shakti rising experiences it seems as if it was the only channel active.

However, meditating on icebergs soothes me so well, its so great! For example, very often after rage cleansing karmic sessions I can't stay grounded, despite the fact that im completely exhausted physically and can't take anymore, more rage is coming and random songs are RACING in my head etc. It feels as if they were playing from the left side of my skull, strange. I once had a fracture over there and I feel it when energy is coming into the head(I don't think it has anything to do with overactive mind, just mentioning). I kept coming repeatedly across the advice on k-teacher and k-gateway archives about meditating on icebergs. When I applied it, it felt awesome, as if I was thirsty all the time, but didn't quite know it. I felt water-like soothing energy, automatic grounding, mind slowing down. Yeees.

The only thing I cant quite get is that in my experience, when I apply  cooling meditation, it seems to awaken the right side of my body which is supposed to be solar, right? On the other hand when I feel/look more closely, I feel a lunar spiral which ends in my right hemisphere. The confusion was the reason for  hesitatation with applying the meditation because I thought the lunar side is overactive! Maybe the sides of the body and ida&pingala are 2 different things?

As for the blocks on the non flowing part, there is more on the right side of my pelvis, so maybe thats one of the resons for imbalance.


Yes, I think there is a difference between side of body and ida, pingala.
And to add to this I personally I think that the overheating can be caused by other factors.
As if the energy rises trough body and some paths are blocked so it pushes on them attempts to remove them and if it resists than it goes up using alternative paths of smaller channels and sometimes it goes trough body surface. So maybe another similar or the same symptom is called energy overload.
And is good to check techniques for that as well and see if they work.

Calming ourselves with Iceberg visualization works very well. But other methods like hugging a tree can also soothe it and also tree will offer helping hand, helping twig with grounding. Im thinking that naturally the heat attracts our focus or over focus on it. And so you just focus on something opposite to it.

I see sometimes ida pingala as metaphysical maps. Solar and lunar are more symbolic terms. And for me personally it is most interesting that all sages say that the energy must flow the middle path. Activity and passivity. Desire and fear, aversion. Faith and intellect. There is also adulthood between child and the old age.

Meaning maybe to use or free blocked energy of both polarities and than direct them trough a central channel to go a middle path. There is a meridian network but maybe ida and pingala have broader symbolic spectrum than that.



I don't experience the heat, that I hear many talk about.  Does this come later?


Well as any unpleasant symptoms one can do a lot to prevent them from ever occurring. So if they dont occur that is a good sign. I would not go into idea that the symptoms are to measure ones progress or more of them one has the better. If they come they come and we can deal.

Maybe there is a risk of ego getting enmeshed in the symptoms as they are intense and strange but ego can use to its advantage even that.
Im sure that ideally kundalini process can go on completely without most of bad symptoms.
I do think in fact that the words "kundalini symptoms" are misleading, in the regard that they they dont describe symptoms that are a symptoms of kundalini itself. It maybe could be better to call most of the painful ones simply resistance symptoms.