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A question about grounding

Started by Darkren, September 03, 2013, 09:39:19 PM

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The method I use is...   focus on roots growing from the lower part of my body, deep into the energy of the earth, and I take in blue, white, and green energy from the stream.
Then I grow out into the cosmos, and bloom my leaves, and take in the golden energy of the universe.
I mix these energys in my core.

A recent issue I had is...  when I take in energy from my roots, into my core, it feels as if...  there is a film over where the root meets my core, and, to get the energy, I have to break through the film.

It causes some unease, butterflies in the stomach sort of thing, as I mix the energy after breaking the film.

One thing going on in my life right now is that, a few weeks ago, I made a hard push to find a life mate, and it have had less than stellar success.
I ground, and use another method called cleansing fairly often to maintain my emotional health, but I still feel a sort of anxiety...   excitement, that goes into a feeling in my stomach, that begins to push me to take actions that are outside the course of reason.

In the past, I would follow such actions.   That lead to bad results.   I find grounding, and cleansing far more peaceful.

In any case.  Any thoughts would be nice.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.


Hello, Darkren.  Have you tried the grounding from this site?  It has different focuses than what you're currently using.  I'd be curious to hear what you find are the differences.


  animation -

   text - http://kundalini-teacher.com/meditations/grounding.php?searchresult=1&sstring=gro


Grounding increases the flow of your energy. But when there are blockages appearing and energy is pushing on them and clearing them. Sometimes we want to close ourselves from too much energy incommoding.  And that is what is maybe what you feel, perceive as the insulation of root connections.

If you are aware of the blockages and fears. Surrender them. It is important that you dont avoid or suppress them. What is the clearing technique you use?

Grounding is important, it also evolves and deepens.
The view that you do it .. ie grow as a tree and and so on is approached as a  learned technique, in the beginning. And ego might use it as a tool and all is good. Maybe you think of the tree as a imagination to make you well, maybe you think it is a helpful fantasy of sorts. But in reality... you are it - you are the tree primarily and thinking you are independent and isolated human is the imagination.. is sort of a fantasy.
This is the shift that occurs naturally and could make the ego bit nervous, but it is ok.  Acceptance, gratitude and loving ourselves would support the wellbeing. And so surrender will be more important component as it goes on.  Imaging oneself to be a tree and then next moment wanting to act to change external things, free will on this and that is a bit contrasting I think. Tree really is accepting and in peace, trees are great teachers.



I'll look into the grounding techniques on this site :)

I use grounding when I feel TOO much energy.

The way I view the technique, my ego grows too great, so I reach out to outside energy to help remind me I am only part of a whole.

I ground when I feel chaotic, and, in grounding, I wrap myself in the energy I focus as existing (the energy of the "earth" i take in from my roots, and the energy of the "universe" i take in from my leaves)

The 2nd Method I use, which I assume is what you refer to as clearing, I call cleansing.

This method, I focus a golden thread through my body, which is simply the origin point of the energy focus.
As it goes on, the thread moves, and finds areas that don't "feel" right.
With grounding, I focus alot on control, and bringing peace to myself.
With cleansing, I let it flow, and use less control, and more feel.   I work on making my being feel it is complete.

When I cleanse, I tend to feel more....  not just energized, but...  more spiritual, than physical.  It feels like it heighten my ego.  I feel more connected to what some people define as the overmind.

The trouble I have with being in that state, is that my mind begins to think more in terms of...   this needs to be done, to tie this global energy pattern, and the greater good is served by doing this, that, or what not.

The last time I went deep into that state, I COULD NOT sleep due to the massive amount of energy flwoing through me, I started phsyically seeing manifestations, and it seems as if energy beings/ principalities/ concepts were assualting me.

At the end of that, I was in a holding cell, focusing everything to keep my ego in control, but it constantly felt as if there was a force trying to put a shell around my skull, and I naturally kept breaking the shell away.

That led to a prison guard smashing my face against a wall, and forcing my ego into submission...  I am not sure what stepped in at that point, but it took seven guards to hold me down, with tazers.  What I do remember of that is the feeling of whatever being it was bending the energy of the tazers around and away from the core of my being.

Er.   Not proclaiming to be a expert, I'm just a person looking to stay operational, and to avoid some of the more interesting points of my past.

However, even though it was a very harrowing, and humbling, experience, in terms of energy, that point in time  set up events that have unfolded in such a amazing, and indescribable fashion.   There is so much that occured because a extreme external energy blockage had been cleared in my personal circle.

I bring up that story just to illustrate how my mind starts thinking when I spend too much time cleansing.

It could be my focus is off, I've had some external teaching, but most of what I know, and think I know, I've discovered on my own, with the aid of energy beings.


I just tried the grounding meditation on your site, for the first time just a few seconds ago.

From what it feels like....  I was told of three basic energy meditations....   grounding, cleansing, and shielding.

The energy technique you have feels like it's all three of those combined in one.

I've never done all three basics at once, I felt the difference right away.  It was even a little overwhelming, as soon as my crown blossomed, I was shaking as the energy streamed through.

However, I need to find a focus for the tension leaving my body....   it looked black, and venomous.

The other hiccup I had for the first session was that I had a constant feeling that...  I was trying to take the universal energy into my body, and filtering it through my ego, so that, when it joined the earth, my ego would leave a impact.

I put a large amount of effort, when I do even the most basic energy exercises, to keep my ego firmly in this state...
"Everything happens for a reason, and it all happens for a reason that is the best for life, the universe, and everything.  I can only see a small picture of the whole, and though the portion may look jumbled, or ruined, it operates exactly how it needs to so that the whole of existence can be better.   There is no way for me to know the whole, so I can only have faith that God has a plan to tie this together, so that it will operate in such a way"

I focus my energy into a non-defined entity that I recognize as God (no specific voice or being or anything I can perceive, more a concept, with part of the concept being that God is so vast that He does not directly try to contact me, and does not make me privy to His plans or intentions)
And do so, not with the intent of making that being the most powerful...  but with the intention that the end goal is to tie all beings together in universal understanding and enlightenment.
And that, everything that has happened to this point, has been necessary, in that enlightenment is not something that can be contained in once existence...  rather, takes the existence of multiple perceptions, to be able to tie into a greater perception and understanding...
One example of that concept being the concept of cultural inteligence...   learned abstract ideas that don't physically exist, but are so revolutionary and significant that it leads to advanced mathmatics....  just as a example...

Er...   sorry for the tangent.   Any thoughts on the "darkness" I see when i release the tensions of my body out of my breath would be very much appreciated.


What I perceive missing from your descriptions is the idea of surrender. You can find more on it on this pages.
And surrender is based on an essential tantric premise that you are one with universe already.
The energy methods for kundalini awakened differ from the casual methods that you mostly have as advice for the non awakened people. (witches, magicians of all sorts mostly)
Once awakened the methods if possible, simply shift their meaning into style that limits the free will elements and effort, striving. And other are best to be just abandoned. That is especially the case with most of the shielding methods.

So I speak of grounding as it is understood and experienced by me. The wellbeing of grounding is your natural state. And being outside of it is simply being lost in the mind,out of touch with life.  It it suffering in all forms. So task is to find all that takes you out of that grounded state, out of the peace of unity, in this pages it is called ego, blockages or karma.
It is used as a meditation for balance but there can be other methods more suited to a concrete disbalance.
If you have too much energy I suggest to drop the overload ahead of doing grounding. Try just sitting  with you back resting to a big tree. And let overload just soak trough ground. Or use some other method. Or simply let it drain trough your hands to the earth.
Connecting to the core balances energy but also it makes it flow stronger. So it is better to add another method of calming too much energy or overheating additionally to grounding.

One of slight complication I see with the grounding technique you use is that it is maybe too complex and that can unnecessarily agitate the mind. It is better to connect with body and nature, they are the bridge to a proper grounded state. Not the mind. Over energized mind is tricky. Honestly it is the source of suffering.

The cleaning techniques are simply to remove that what is blocking you from staying grounded. But as with grounding the angle you approach it is very important. As with the grounding you have to be clear who is responsible for those things there ungroundig you. In cleaning you have to be clear who is the guy that created the blockages or whatever there. A improper view of this will simply allow for striving and resistance to continue. And cause struggle that is of no use. Proper view on this opens compassion and surrender and that is 1000 times more powerful than any struggle.
Also when you clear with the golden thread the blockages melt but the excess energy must have a way how to flow naturally out. So keeping your crown chakra open is essential. And flow of kundalini will wash it out up trough your crown.
Also you will find the surrender method, for surrendering blockages on this website very useful as it removes the energy directly.
Otherwise the overload or stuck energy over-agitates mind and looks for a way out. Sometimes the energy creates external circumstance to be able to leak out. That is undesirable effect. And can be prevented. It is good to limit any practices, activities that increase your energy and that can also include limiting cleaning meditations to the level where you are able release are handle it comfortably.
The grounding as you rightly noticed brings you back to the state of unity. Where you know you are one with universe. No struggle is needed to maintain that. State of enlightenment is naturally present and is not created. Especially not at a future time. If enlightenment would be a created state it would be utterly worthless.



Agreed :)
After trying the meditation that was suggested to me earlier in this post a few times, after the first time, I noticed the "dark" energy I was "exhaling" wasn't really there.   I can only guess I had a build up.

Everything you typed makes sense, it was good to see it typed, sometimes it feels I have the basic concepts, but the greater understanding is slipping through my fingers like mud.

I am noticing that the meditation discribed, after the first few times, actually helps release the energy.

I have to wonder as to the source...  I have been told many times I am a natural empath.
I spend many years even being able to do what I can now, and, many times, it feels that the inbalances in others around me bleed into my chakras.

I have thought long and hard about this, who should be blamed, and how to approach it.  Years ago, I thought the answer was to isolate.
HOwever, I made the most progress when I stopped isolating, and started...  how to describe it...  accepting I am a part of humanity, and doing what I can to live by example.
The reasoning behind this is that...  it feels to me, no matter hwo far I would in this day and age, humanity is reaching the point that you can no longer run from it.
It's like, if a person is smoking a cigarette, you are smoking it too because you are close to him.   The easiest answer is to go somewhere else.
However, when all people in a 50 block radius are smoking, going somewhere else becomes less logical.
No matter where you go, you take in substances that will create blockages, and poison.

I won't say that I am enlightened, but I am not dead to energy either...  and it seems like the world is reaching a point where it either has to change, or it will begin suffocating those in it.

At least, that how it feels to me.  It is odd to watch, from where I am now, people sitting where I was at.  And I seem to make the most progress when I try to help them at least get to the level I am at...
And it seems like it is much the same advice you give me, which actually helps relieve a huge burden on my chest :)
In case it seems I am trying to twist words, the things I tell people specifically are this:  Increase your introspection, and decrease your pride.

In any case, the meditation that was suggested to me, seems to have helped with my original issue, with the feeling of the blockage in taking in "earth" energy.
IT seems to me that, not only does the intention matter, but the positioning can be vitally important as well (as you were hinting at with the suggestion to have my back against a tree, and dispersing my energy through my palms)

Stellar advice.  I am profoundly thankful I came across this website.


Im glad that you benefited from the post. And it is nice to chat with you.
Many emapths want to help people to rise up to them because thy just feel harassed by their emotions very much. But that approach is not wholesome. As it is based on judging others to be less perfect and not respecting that the experiences they need to have, to grow and be fulfilled are maybe entirely different from your own.

So what surrender and acceptance can offer is pointing back to you and empowering you.
Whatever you feel at any moment is fine. Whatever is, is. So if 50 people are smoking around you, it is. No need to judge them, no need to have negative emotions about them. (inside of you). If you can move on or do something else then you a free to do it, but firstly you accept it. Because when you allow negative emotions to just flow, they flow trough easily and go out.  If you resist them, judge them they get stuck and energized by your resentments and they make you miserable and your actions or thinking less then ideal. If emotions are in you they are plainly yours. It is the resistance to them that makes them stuck. So surrender them to God or just simply let them go, in and naturally out. They are just like inner weather. One would not personalize weather nor be angry about it.
Shock is that you are like the people you dont like. In their ego structure and as in example in their smoking.

Smokers blow smoke around, but.. you surely noticed that bad emotions radiate around a person. So if you have negative emotions (from or about others activities or emotions) or you are not in harmony for whatever reason (just or unjust) you radiate that around you. At lest the smokers smoke only 5 minutes. Unbalanced emotions can go in one for hours or days or more. So you are also passing emotions around you just as they.
But you have a choice they rarely experience, you can be calm and say I received a negative emotion but I wont pass it on. I just release it in peace. And keep peace in me.
A very useful advice for empaths is to turn inside and mind that their emotions and energy doesn't disturb random people unnecessarily as they go around they day. Energy of awakened person can be uncomfortable for many average people. They will feel it as infringement. Too much light disturbing their ego immersion. Undesired and unwanted and thus creating a immediate karmic feedback.

To look back to you is called ugly mirror. The usual habit is seeing bad things in others first but doing the same thing in other ways. Learn to let felt emotions go, to surrender them.

I thought a strange thought, maybe It would be nice if government would put a warning stickers on peoples forehead: Government warning: Ego cant shorten you life considerably and make you miserable. Warning highly addictive. :)
I however see the huge letters on cigarette boxes have little impact.
Im thinking that it shows that way to improvement, based on repression and judgment or fear is so readily used even today. While its track record in history is pointing to the fact that it never ever worked as imagined.



Thank you again for your time, and your wisdom :)

If your faith follows God, may God be with you.

If it does not, may peace be with you.


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