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I want to teach Kundalini - resources? Paths? How to get started?

Started by v0rtexg1rl, November 02, 2013, 06:35:33 PM

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I had my first Kundalini experience when I was a teenager, before it had even heard of such a thing. Now, in my mid-30s, I recently went through a series of awakening/enlightening Kundalini experiences after leaving my job to find my true career path. I certainly feel called to make Kundalini a central part of my path going forward and I am a natural teacher. However, this will also be a huge divergence from my previous path and career (I was a software executive). I'm wondering : are there teacher training programs? What are some options for how I can gain confidence in bringing this awareness to others? Leading meditations is my primary interest, but I would consider studying the yoga as well. Are there Kundalini schools?

Thank you for any and all suggestions or options.
Thank you also for this community forum to exist.

Many blessings,
Jessica Lady A


Hello Jessica,

Only lineage that comes to my mind now, that doesn't work more like "by invitation only", might be kundalini yoga, yogi Bhajan lineage, but I am not so sure about that either... Traditions that I know, expect students to be students first, often for quite many years, before even starting to contemplate the option of pursuing teacher path. Also, if you're an adept in some other tradition, most likely you are asked to just be humble and start from the beginning if you start studies in different trad. Well, if you really are an adept, you would not mind about starting from the beginning...

For example mindfullness meditation guide/teacher certifications are quite easy to get just with enough money, like reiki master and so on.  There's plenty to choose, just google.

Path of a kundalini teacher is very tough. I would suggest you to choose your line of study and then after some time contemplate teaching path again. Ask your teachers opinion about your readiness to become a teacher some day.

Fire Serpent Tantra teacher training is also by invitation only, so if you are interested and it really turns out to be your calling, you just have to start the studies and be patient.


Thank you, Mari, for your insight and honesty. I want to be respectful about karma and will be patient before taking action in any direction, and I am willing to spend years as a student for kundalini - because I respect how powerful it is and the responsibility one would need to bring in order to teach it.

As a follow up, does the Mystress have books that I could buy and start reading? So far, the information and wisdom I have encountered on this site resonates with my internal "knowing" the best of any sites I have been on. It would even be great to get all of the essays in a published book format. Do you offer anything like that? Or would I ask to join the mystery school coursework in order to learn?

Thanks again,
Jessica Lady A



Mystress hasn't published books, so far. She does have a lot of raw material tho, so who knows... maybe someday :)
At the moment the best way to access her teaching is through her online mystery school Fire Serpent Tantra.

It's good you see some of the pressure that comes from being a teacher. I actually don't want to discourage you about it. It's just a fact that it is a demanding place to be. It is also very rewarding in many ways. Sometimes committed and passionate students become teachers, because it's a way to dive all the time deeper into their own studies and spiritual practise.