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Kundalini in modern day Christianity

Started by surf, October 27, 2013, 09:49:44 AM

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Back in around 2007 there was a movement within the Christian church that I believe was Kundalini.  I know this because my roommate was into charismatic Christianity.  I saw him speak in tongues and fall over shaking convulsing on the ground and after saying he felt all kinds of electrical energy going through his body.  He turned into a completely different person within the course of a few months and I saw him go through some dark times.  One night he came back to our dorm room saying he was "drunk on the holy spirit" and laughing in a cackling voice that wasn't his own voice.  I saw his eyes roll into the back of his head, at that moment I slapped him trying to wake him out of his "trance".  He reacted very violently and I thought he was going to kill me.  He seemed to experience altered states of consciousness and one time asked me if he could pray for me saying he wanted me to be able to experience what he had been able to.  I thought nothing of it, thinking he was more wacko than sane, and figured I'd let him pray for me to get him off my back and stop bothering me on the matter.  He put his hand on my head and uttered something in a foreign language and at that moment I felt myself begin to rock back and forth in a movement that started at the base of my spine. 

It took me many years to realize this but I now know he aroused my Kundalini.  It's been 7 years since then and I continually feel the serpent moving around my chakras and through my body to the top of my head.  Shortly after this I started going through some really difficult times mentally.  I never even heard of the word Kundalini til years later down the road.

My question is what other peoples opinion is about Kundalini being in the modern day charismatic Christian movement.  I saw this movement become pretty popular in 2006-2007 and im sure before and after those dates as well.  It seems to me that these people are handling this energy pretty recklessly and without proper respect and knowledge of what they're doing.  I know this was called the "Toronto blessing" in some places.  What are other peoples opinion on this?  Anyone aware of what I'm talking about?


The Holy Spirit and Kundalini are considered to be the same thing. Although due to the nature of religious practices like those in Christianity, it's more often experienced as a top down awakening, a descent.

Teachers in most traditions don't really know what Kundalini is, even less how to handle it. Many teach how to awaken it (It is actually not very difficult), but to handle the resulting journey is an entirely different matter.  On the other hand, Kundalini is the natural, evolutionary force within us. Every spiritual tradition contains it, in one form or another, even though it's called different things, and even the manifestations can differ, due to different belief systems (The mind really is that powerful)

When he put his hand on your head, he was giving you Shaktipat (Spiritual initiation), which sparked your Kundalini. Welcome to the world of mystics.   And it is very common to go through times of intense upheaval. I've been there myself more than once.



That makes a lot of sense.  Is it possible to give someone shaktipat if the person giving it hasn't been fully awakened?  I feel like the guy who gave me the shaktipat wasn't fully awakened, or would that not be the case?