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Started by Joe, February 25, 2014, 11:42:24 AM

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My name is Joe i am catholic from my mothers side and Sapmi-native from my fathers side
I live with my family in north Sweden
with my wife and my son and my daughter.

We looking for answers, we need answers about our haunting story,
Its started for maybe ten year ago
with a strong poltergeist phenomenon ...
...books moved, tablets jumping in the air,
screaming voices in the house,
clap sounds always if we were eating on table,
and pictures felt from the wall
the dog barked in the corner of our living room,
our light bulb exploded and our electric fuse jumps out
(up to today)
strange phone calls,
sometimes in the night
we felt us observed and could not sleep under this time!

We believed under this time
its a phenomenon of the house...only place bounded.

We had a rent contract over this house for two years
and tried to ignore this kind of activity.
We moved out into an other house after this two years
but after three months this activity start again
the first was again this clapping sounds
and for the first time we saw a kind of smoke or fog
in the kitchen and sleeping room
sometimes in the front of the house
we decided to make pictures of this

Sometimes was to hear a knocking on the front door
but nobody was there....
we took pictures
in the front side of our house...

also we saw boll of lights (Orbs) with the blanket eyes
move around us and through the house
sometime we saw a kind off flash light too.
we decided to make pictures.....

After a while we see moving shadows in our house,
the dog growled to this shadows and sometimes was the dog afraid and he has hides under the couch.
My daughter have seen the young women in one night sitting on the couch
and ...
I woke up under this time ( 2007) in the morning and in a half stadium of my sleep
i saw a old man sitting on a chair and a young women standing in the kitchen
the young women has had a old dress maybe from  1900 to 1950 century
and the old man has had a jeans and shirt from 1970 century.

After a while we decided its to much and
we contacted  a psychic medium.
This medium told us that we have two spirits
with us a old man and a young women
This medium tried to send this spirits away but nothing happen!
After a time we try again with some other psychic mediums
all told us the same thing "a old man and a young women"

The last month in this house we felt some presence beside our bed
this presence felt evil and we were afraid of this energetic body symptoms
(Vibrations, little bit paralyses, can not breath enough and more...)

I the year 2010 we bought our new home an move again!
In the first couplet of month was it quiet
but its start again too.

The two spirits are with us, my wife have seen the young women three times
in the new house, one time she was watching her beside our sons bed.
This presence we feel is on the way to come closer and closer to us sometime we have panic attacks
(me my wife and my daughter )
we checked out our healthy condition by a doctors but nothing is found.
and of course we take no drugs!

Now the activity outside is more less
but the disturbing in the nights is more worst
we feel that something is coming to us and crawling upside on our body in the night
and press us on maybe the legs the breath or shoulders, head
its a pressing feeling and we can not sleep
sometimes we feel a starting sleep paralyses but
with exercise an prayers we can stop this!

For one year ago i have dreamed after prayer for salvation and solving about Nightmaras in swedish its called "Mara"
(possibility a incubus?)
and after a web research we understood our problem better
we take contact with some "experts" in Germany and Göteborg and this guys told us
that this two spirits were sending out from a entity (maybe Mara!?)
and after a while we understood that my mother and my sister was invoked too
and has had some strange encounters and my sister with a little entity in the year 2006.
and both have the same symptoms and sleeping problems.

she describe  this entity
maybe one meter high and grey and very old,
naked, and black eyes and skinny and very evil,
she sad to me the whole entity was much like the "Gollum" from the film
(The Lord of the Rings)

she describe too at this entity has gone
because of she was feeling the love to her daughter.

Next stage...

We contacted a catholic priest to bless our home
and ask for help...
...he was blessing our home in the year 2011

Nothing works....
In the year 2013 we make contact with a catholic priest and exorcist Jeremy Davies
we told our history and got a little exorcism in may 2013
but we feel nothing under the ceremony and no effects later.

We starting a new research.
In a library in a old book from Paracelsus we red that the
(some called in the German language The Alp/Nachtalp")
is the same entity some the Nightmara/Mara
and this entity is resistant of all religious items and ceremonies and exorcism from the church.
Paracelsus describe under his time was many nuns in the monastery were infected with the some called "Alp" problem.
and no solving was found for Paracelsus.   

Now my question to you...
have somebody any ideas how to deal with this?

Thanks Joe



Well on I think this website has a bit different perspective on things, so maybe thats why you came. Does it occurred to you that the cause of it might be you?
It could be an relative who wants to be close or a helpful guide. 
I think active phenomena occur in families where one has latent psychic, shamanic abilities that are unattended.  And where there is great suppression of deep needs. Sometimes occurring at puberty. 
I would add that its essential to remove fear from oneself totally.  Increase self love. And think why could you not treat this "entity" whit love and kindness by all family and accept it as new family member if it seems to be so already. And see how that works.

 Shamanism is mostly about communication and negotiation in-between the worlds. So its  best not to act on assumption that you know what it its. And to treat it unkindly. Is not wise. And some feelings might be more created from our own fear.

Ofcourse it will naturally calm down, but why to be unkind. To oneself and whatever phenomena one has. I think that this is an overall pagan view. Coming from knowledge that we are more aggressive to us and our selves and world, than the nature world is aggressive against us.
So my recommendation would be to focus in regard of spiritual acknowledgment. To see spiritual gifts and inclinations in family as a blessing and not as evil as often Christianity  does. Yet such a thing is still better done with assistance.

Maybe it would be wise seek a shaman from a local area for help. Im sure that they can be found. In regard both to the "entity" and identifying spiritual gifts and gifts of natural shamans. As in this case I feel it might be more to this then external phenomena.



Thx Duu for your opinion!

"helpful guide" this is evil and it is a parasite!

"accept it as new family member if it seems to be so already. And see how that works."

...We have tried this for 4 years ago the result was horrible! it is evil!

"shamanic abilities that are unattended"
.......Yes ! I have heart this before... i work on this topic!

"Maybe it would be wise seek a shaman from a local area for help. Im sure that they can be found"

I know all shamanistic people in my tribe in my area, nobody can deal this!
It is not a ghost!
i give you an example what i mean what kind entity i talk about it...
this therm

I walk over 20 years my native way...



Well the idea of evil? What it means for a being to be evil? How it got that way?
I mean we as humans have very strict idea of evil.
I never met a devil who would kill another devil for a stack of colored papers.
They would I think look on you with blank stares and could not really grasp what are you talking about. Or an idea that a bunch of devils would get together and poison their hell home habitat with toxins in all places connected to their life until total collapse. And would build ways to blow of their hell plane and all beings there to nonexistence with nuclear atomic weapons.
They would just be in disbelief to this ideas.
I mean honestly devils don't scare me. Humans do. Because they are mentally veiled in delusions acting out in offten psychopathic ways.. And then project it out. To devils. So in that way they think they not need to take and face to responsibility for their own thoughts and actions.

People underestimate the power we as humans have... People fear devils, yet do not do the acts of love. But the acts of fear. And what comes out of fear? Aggression? Separation? War, domination?
That way leads nowhere. It is sure. And it is not evil.. it is stupid.
If experts worked with entity and it returned. Than there is more to it then a simple entity problem.
Thats why the ways I have been taught is to rely on communication and communication can take place only if there is acceptance. Simply to collect more information and enact correct healing. For both sides or all sides involved. Instead of killing.



Thx Duu!
I understand what you mean about the evil..
..nothing is real evil that is true! but some kind of behaviour can be evil
if something will in full awareness kill you or will abuse you is this behaviour evil
doesn't matter what people believe!

We have spoken to this entity in two years and has have conservation !
this entity is a kind of (press) vampire!
Six people in my family are affectet
in different places me and my wife and my son in our house
my daughter in an other living place
my sister in theirs apartment and my mother in their house!
all of us have been attacked from this entity!
...say not to me... it is not evil!
my father has always said to my
waste not your time if people not listen or believe what you say!
Maybe you have never have an encounter whit something evil!?

But I appreciate you opinion
and I thank you for this
have a good time!

Love and a huge to you!

We have friends to Navajo people
some of them have a similar problem
listen maybe to Amelia and Chief Dan


Hi, thank you for the hugs. Sending as well.

I don't believe in things happening out of nowhere for no reason.
So yes problematic things do happen. And I don't deny that.
Entity removal is usual easy thing to do, provided that there are no attachments from human side.
I only know a few shamans around FST and my trust to their ability is very high. And perhaps one of them could join in. As I only write an overall advice.
So that is one reason why I advised to see local shamans. As I cannot imagine an entity problem shamans, as I know them, could not deal.

When we identify problem imprecisely. Our solutions will be imprecise.
You are mixing, priests, mediums, exorcist, shamans. In one big bundle.
But they are working within different cosmological systems. They cant be mixed easily.
And if your cosmological interpretation is from a christian universe that stick to a solution from it.
Or if you seek a shamanic help, remove the christian based ideas as no longer valid and relevant. And stick to shamanic view of situation and healing.
So if a shaman is telling you that the problem is due to breaking a taboo to the mother whale Goddess. Than you stick with that and appease that Goddess. Healing that taboo breakage to tribe and so on. And heal taboo with ancestors and so on.
You don't go to mediums and priests. And if you do, you think of them as clowns. Telling them, common how can you call a spirit that mother whale sent to heal my ways to be demonic.

Some people can be flexible. Some must respect one way that is archetypaly or genetically resonant. Especially those that are shamans or so from youth. As solutions from other cosmology cant fulfill deeply rooted inner needs.
But then again. Some take the path of the Christian, be away you foul daemon. And Goddess tears will drop to icy lake.



  Poltergeist phenomena is most often associated with kids who do not know they are psychic, testing psychokinetic abilities. Worse at night, when the kids are asleep?

  Ghosts don't have that sort of power. Some faeries do, but both are territorial, they do not follow people around.

  I have some answers for you, but you won't like them. Duu is not a shaman, so he didn't venture too far beyond recommending you speak to one... I am one and it is part of my calling as a Shaman to mentor others and clear some confusion, and it is surprising to me that as a white woman I am sometimes called to offer a new perspective to native spiritual beliefs.

  I know the only type of being that cannot be exorcised is a shaman's guide, and yes they do seem very evil when first appearing and all the worse for Christians, because it is part of their nature to reflect your beliefs about them and if you believe them to be evil demons then they have to be that for you.  They do not get a choice about it, they have no free will, only certain rules and imperatives.

  You have been trying to straddle the fence between your Christianity and your Shaman heritage in the Sami DNA. In westerners, a deep Christian belief is about the only thing that will forestall a shaman awakening, but Sami like yourself who are juggling a mixture, it goes a bit sideways.

  I do not know much about the Sámi native beliefs, I am interested, as part of my calling and my research into the roots of my talents, but my impression so far, is the Sami before Christianity were mired with fearful superstitions and believing the guide to be an evil spirit is quite common, and unfortunate, and the addition of Christianity just served to demonize the guide even more.

  My Finnish friend told me, the Norse said the Sami are all witches. All your immediate family and a lot of your relatives are very psychic it seems and you take it for granted. Magic in the blood, in the genes.

   The Shaman gene comes from your people, the word was first coined to define your magic.  How the gene found its way into my DNA probably has to do with how the Vikings got around Europe raping pillaging etc... but from what I have been able to discover, it seems the old Sami ways were loaded with fearful superstitions and not much less non-dual than Christianity. Mix the two, your reaction to the guide is not surprising- but as you have discovered, it is completely ineffective.  As Duu said, you have to change your attitude about it before it can change in your perceptions. Seems you have tried everything, except simply loving them and wow that would be what I try first. Love transforms.

  A shamans guide is enormously powerful, and it has a strange imperative to reflect your karma back at you magnified so you can choose love instead of fear. The purpose is a mirror of insights to help your enlightenment.

   A side effect of this is, what you get of it, is what you believe about it, multiplied. It is actually, a manifestation of the purest unconditional love and wisdom, and that can feel like a tough love smack upside the head sometimes, which is what you have been getting. When a shaman learns to love the guide, the transformation is awesome.

  The guide is the opposite gender, I believe the young woman is your son's guide and the old man may be your wife's, but as your whole family seems psychic it could be an ancestor's guide. They seem evil to you because you believe they are evil and that reflection is part of their nature, and evil is not, they only reflect your fear of them, and they have no choice.

  They have frightened you at times, - they cannot help that, the fear is yours - you do not report anyone being actually harmed by them. Another validation that they are Guides.

  They would not be so invested in getting attention unless it is important, and I think the focus is your son, growing up believing his guide is deeply evil is not good for his head. As he gets older, the need for positive support to unfold his talents grows more urgent and so the ripples get louder, affecting your relatives.   

  The little grey being with the black eyes, looks a bit like a grey alien? These beings have been spotted since long before the concept of UFOs and one appearing to train a shaman is quite common, yes they do feel evil and strange at first but the strangeness is really due to their total lack of emotions. They are not really alien, they are of the earth and very old. Having no emotions means, no motive to harm.

  At the time one was hanging around me, I could focus on its vibration (its blank emotionlessness!) and show its face to others, in a mirror or morphing in dim light... could always tell when they got the glimpse by the look of shock and fear on their face! We get that instinctive reaction to them but it is our own, they have no emotions at all but know some interesting things about human potential. They are showing up to one of the shamans I am mentoring, in his dreams and showing him interesting things about consciousness, psychology and quantum physics. 

  I can talk to the two spirits, a little, they seem faint to me but guides have no free will only rules and imperatives and they tend to only be as clear as their vessel. To me they reflect your fatigue with this long struggle. I am accustomed to talking to other shamans guides, to me they are not scary at all though if I ask, they show me he monsters that you see. Those don't scare me either they are just a measure of how much trauma you have been through with this struggle. 

  I know you are not going to believe me, even though I am making more sense than anybody else you have spoken to. I have consulted with one of the shamans I mentor, he's getting he same info. Haven't you noticed, the worse your scary ideas of what they are, the more they manifest like that?

  Tentatively, I have made a deal with the two spirits to break through the communications barrier:  have your wife speak to the air and tell the old man and the girl, if they are really shaman guides as I say, to come visit me for one week of peace for you. Will you accept that deal? One week, no weirdness, to prove these are not the nightmare beings that you think they are. I cannot keep them longer, their place is with you supporting you but they will do this to show you that they are not demons. They won't give me any trouble at all because I am not afraid of them, and I know they are incapable of harm.

  You are Christians... Jesus said love your enemies. Love them unconditionally. See them change when they no longer have to reflect your bad ideas of what they are.43rd psalm, "Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil."  Stop fearing evil, start loving the enemy.

  When you and your family are able to face these beings fearlessly with an attitude of unconditional love, it will all change for the better. I learned to do that as a preschool child. I used to know a genuine Fijian princess. I told her of my preschool nightmares of the guide, destroying me over and over if I showed it any trace of fear.  She told me that at the same age she was taught that the guide looks scary because it is her protector but to love it and make friends and it would show her wonders, in her dreams.  Fijians remembered the key because life is sunny in Fiji, Sami lost it to hardship of long cold nights, seasonal affective disorder, depression and paranoia preying on the mind.  The Fijians were also, quite aggressive warriors and cannibals where the Sami were too busy staying alive in the harshest climate in the world to be very interested in slaughtering each other. Culture is shaped by challenges of the environment.   

  If the spirits speak and it seems harsh, do not assume you know what they are really trying to say. The guides speak in an odd language of riddles and reflections that can take years of internal personal growth to really understand and by then its moved well beyond words into downloads and mental movies and wholistic knowing that words cannot encompass.

  I recall one woman who contacted me trying to exorcise an internal voice that said things like "I will be happy when you are dead." Sounds bad eh? Well it was a guide and translated through the symbolic language and reflections, the real message is "you will be happy when you become enlightened." Death to the guide, is ego death, the doorway of enlightenment and they have no emotions or wishes of their own so "I" means "You' and it is talking about its imperative to train and guide... but if you don't know it is a guide speaking, and how to translate the riddles then who would guess there is such a positive message inside what sounds like a homicidal growl? Message came out like that because she hated the voice and wanted it gone.

  You see how that works? Try it. Love.

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