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body orgasm...what happened?

Started by iansanityy, May 15, 2009, 10:47:34 PM

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Hello, I just had a strange experience. I was meditating and opening my chakras one by one, I did this one time, then started for another round...When I got to my second chakra, I started having what felt like a huge BODY what in the world just happened?

Did I blow open my second chakra? Now what does this mean, is it permanently open and will I start experiencing sexual extremes till I balance it out or did I just go through the balancing right then and there?


Also today I had an experience of energy rising up my root chakra, didn't seem to go further than the second chakra and I felt that it went downwards and in my mind I had an image of the energy going down into the earth...Seems like what happened was a natural grounding...Is this what usually happens with the opening of the root chakra?


    I think this page on how to have an energy orgasm will give you some insights.

    Don't over do it, ok? 


Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
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Could you maybe give me the address of a page with your writing regarding the second chakra?
...Been looking on your other websites...