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Third chakra dynamics

Started by sunsetview, March 06, 2011, 11:17:00 PM

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I'm currently trying to figure out the third chakra.
I know this is the anchor for "Ego" and I can feel it
regarding certain convictions and even desires, as most
desired friendships or circumstances are about bringing about
resolve, completion and satisfaction to the "Ego". But what I really want to
know is how the third chakra interacts with other third chakras.
Lets say in a friendship between two people, one very self assured and
another who looks up to his friend, desiring to be just like him yet feeling
empowered in his third chakra because his friend respects him.
In this relationship, the two would be bound, because each are fed exactly what they want.
The self assured friend, is empowered by the fact he has someone who desires friendship with him and the not so self assured friend, feels better about him self because he is being accepted.
In such a third chakra loop, the self assured person, is he empowered further... or is he actually being anchored down through the attachment of someone who doesn't have such a powerful chakra?
Lets say, if I want to empower my third chakra, by feeling internally the confidence of someone I know and feel is confident. Through this visualization, and merging with the confidence of someone, Do I create a connection between our third chakras? And if so, is he being empowered by this process or am I sucking his energy away?


Yes it creates a connection, and is kind of invasive to the person to plug into them without their consent. There is a tendency for karma to follow responsibility and so some of your lack of self confidence karma is going to flow to confident guy because you are making him be responsible for how you feel.

  In the first example you speak of friends who have a basic dom/sub leadership/support arrangement which is mutually consented to on some level, and in fact such interactions form the basis of all human teamwork. 

  The second one it sounds like you want to plug into some stranger or public figure without asking them permission.

  Speaking personally, I regularly redirect cords from people trying to plug into me because they think I have something they don't, and feel unable or unwilling to grow it for themselves in themselves.  Typically I disconnect from myself and plug it into the owners own higher self to give them what they need.

  In any case, you are kind of going about it backwards. Self confidence is a natural healthy state of unselfconsciousness and it comes of releasing the fear based issues that make you feel weak.  Take whats blocking or in the way of having self confidence so it can blossom in you, instead of trying to vamp it from another.
  Practice gratitude. Count your
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