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Psychic awakening in friend

Started by angelprayer, January 12, 2008, 04:46:55 PM

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 I know someone who is a very emotionally stable, socially accepted girl. Recently, she started having what she calls "visions and voices". She has no delusional thinking, very little anxiety, and very few fears about what is happening in her life at the moment. She has daily visions and auditary hallucinations, usually between 2-5 a day and mostly in the evening/at home.

I have had a look at the criteria for schizophrenia and she doesn't have any of them, other than the hallucinations, which she copes with extremely level-headedly.

With most of the visions she see random objects which appear to her for a moment, they obstruct her path, then realising they are not real, she is aware they must have been an hallucination. Most of these objects are neutral content: bike, bouncy ball, little table etc.

Is this clairvoyant awakening? And if so.....should I just let it be and not worry about the future of this girl> I just don't want it to get distressing or socially awkward for her.


Well, I have to say I can relate to what your friend is going through Angel.
I have had occasions where I am driving and see things appear.
For example the other day I was driving back from a day out with a couple of friends when a letterbox appeared in the middle of the road, I just casually look at my passengers for any facial expression that may indicate whether it is actually there or not.
Most of the time logic will prevail anyway.
But I am sorry, I don't know the answer to your question regarding your friend.
It does sound like she has it under control though.