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What happens when Kundalini reaches the crown?

Started by vivalavida, June 25, 2011, 06:28:57 AM

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Can someone please share some knowledge about this? I don't seem to find clear information.

So when K. reaches the crown it pierces the thousand petaled lotus and you see the cosmic ocean. Then you open yourself to the cosmic consciousness and knowledge and you become self realized. I don't think this happens immediately though, does it?

What do you do next?

I think you must take K. down and up at will, or am I wrong, because if K. stays up at the crown then you go into the K. syndrome.




Hopefully, someone more knowledgable will answer, but I will give you my "limited" perspective.

Opening the crown is definitely not the end. As in your "thousand petaled" quote, think of it as a process of growing the chakras (or opening all thousand petals :)).  As each of the chakras grow and continue to clear, it starts to feel like they begin to merge.

The energy follows your awareness.  Try not to keep your focus on the crown, try spreading your awareness around.



Thanks Jeff for sharing your opinion, that's how I felt too,

I hope someone that has experienced this will answer as well. I went into samadhi with a full blossomed crown for two nights in a row and three days I was like in an altered state, nice and peaceful but I felt that my lower chakras are still very small.

I focused again in my heart and made it a bit wider and now for two days my other chakras are trying to calibrate to match my new sized heart and I am releasing more blockages and karma now. It seems that the crown will only blossom if the rest of the chakras are all equally opened.

Just wanted a confirmation that this is the way to go, because a fully opened crown is beautiful and the energy that goes from my feet to there I would have never imagined, I feel like a vessel of light, but I want to make sure that my base is strong so that I can go on by my daily life without problem (my ego speaking  ;D ).




My experience has been the energy continues to grow over the entire body. You start to lose the sense of individual chakras and it begins feel like each cell is vibrating in unison. Can you also "control" the energy flow?

What is your definition of samadhi for three days? Witness state or complete no thought?

Focusing on the crown can create detached/spacy feelings, but that is not samadhi.

Also, remember kundalini is only half of it.  Awareness is the other half.



Things are changing very rapidly for me, everyday something new.

What I meant is that the crown opened and it covered me and came down to my heart (at least that's how it felt) and I was washing in this intense energy.


How about a different question... Can you quiet your mind so that there are no thoughts for a period of time? No voices...No pictures...Nothing?



These last 3-4 days I have had periods of 2-3 hours/day when I was in total peace, no thoughts no nothing.
But then as I said I had some moments of intense energy and I focused it in the heart and my heart expanded once again and I am imbalanced again.

Since I saw the thousand petaled lotus every night I wake up with a strong bee noise in my head. This is also a part of the process that I have read before.



by the way, staying in front of the computer my crown opened fully again and I have a huge mass of energy entering me from my feet and going out of the crown
It is very smooth and I can feel it gently only as it passes through my heart and goes out of the crown.

I don't think I can do anything about this, I am grounding myself all day long but I think this is my path, so just trying to keep a high morale, this too shall pass (or maybe not, maybe this is the new me).


I have the energy moving pretty much all the time, usually from feet/root up and out from the head. Body is buzzing, tingling, having heat flashes, pleasureable sensations... I have gotten used to it and barely notice it. Kundalini gets calmer after couple of days retreat alone, l when it doesn't have so much karma fuel to burn anymore. So don't worry about it and enjoy! When the day comes your experiences start to fade away, you are probably going to miss them badly :)

Usually the peak experiences don't last so long, when they come just enjoy them and take care of your grounding. Upper chakra openings can be somewhat traumatising when all you think you knew about the world gets destroyed. But what you are experiencing seems fine and beneficial to you.
Take it easy, enjoy your high energy times, keep grounded, take care of yourself. Don't analyze it too much or give energy to fear, it just pulls you back in to your ego. Do not try to control the kundalini, instead you can sometimes negotiate with Her.

If something scary starts to happen, reach out for help. You are not alone :)