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lower back pain along with right testicle pain

Started by Da Zues Mon, March 08, 2010, 10:09:06 AM

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Da Zues Mon

ok so its not testicular cancer cause i got that checked, its not an STD either, and i've done my research and found that the're are some nerves around the lower back that if pinched or screwed around with, can cause pain in the groin. The aches all started with my turbulent experience with psilocybin and the lower chakras and it's just starting to make me go nuts lol. Could it be an injury or an infection from some sort of physical strain? Is it just kundalini moving through my rooting system? Is the pain i'm experiencing a blockage? Should i be worried? seek medical help from a chiropractor?acupuncture maybe? Should i just surrender to whatever is going on?

Thank you for your time,
any ideas on what this could be or
any suggestions regarding pain relief will be greatly appreciated.



No idea, but may you be healed! you probably long ago have been, looking at the date of the post, but yeah, any in your situation, be healed!
all beings are one people


Same thing happend to me, there is no need to worry. Your second channel (ida or pingala) is  opening. The testicals are attached to the two channels. Actually its good news you'r moving in another level on the way of enlightenment. As soon as the energy start to flow it will be better. If you want to relief the pain you should increase your meditation in order to move faster from that phase.