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If we have no purpose what are we?

Started by Mowgli, April 19, 2012, 01:10:50 PM

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I think I have read on this website that Mystress believes that if we think we have a divine purpose within life such a statement is an ego attachment and should therefore be better surrendered. If am to do that then what do I become and what is the point to my life?

When I started to go through my own transformation one of the early teachers I came across after I discovered I was to become a spiritual guide, helped me to understand that my purpose in life is simply to help people to live their life more true to their nature, both inner and outer, or simply to infuse spirit.

This purpose is built through a greater understanding of all my innate talents, my greatest passions and all the things I would like to see changed in the world for the better. I believe this is the reason for me being born at this time in our collective history. I also believe that once everyone works out their own life's purpose in a similar way and discovers what is unique to them, common purposes can be formed and we can all evolve for the greater good. It was actually explaining this principle to someone that triggered my initial Kundalini Awakening. So is this ego or Goddess working through me?

Why I ask is because all my current work as a life, business and leadership coach hinges on this belief as I think it helps people start to realize their own responsibility here on the planet at this time, what is special about being them and encouraging them to act, allowing Goddess to work and flow through them in this way, because all these talents, passions and angers have been provided by Goddess in the first place, there has to be a reason I believe why I am particularly skilled in such things, have the desire to change a way of existing that doesn't seem to suit the majority with a passion for a situation or community which could be placed there instead, surely? Or am I wrong?

Do you not agree? Do I have more to learn? I would welcome your thoughts on my definition of purpose. Thanks Sx