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Kundalini Symptons

Started by Chrism30a, January 27, 2012, 08:12:56 AM

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Dear Kundalini Teacher,

I have visited your website along with many others and read many articles on the subject of Kundalini and I believe that I am going through a kundalini experience myself.

Firstly, let me say that I am not somebody who "dabbles" in things. i.e. spiritual practices/healing etc. Secondly, I am a rational and intelligent human being – not a madman.

I once practised very basic Yoga some years ago, also around this time, I had a bad car accident – I survived without injury but had a bad "jolt" to my body. I have heard that sometimes things like this can trigger an awakened Kundalini.   

However, I have suffered with my symptoms for about 20 years now and have had nobody to turn to for advice or guidance. Quite frankly I am at breaking point. If I described what I will do below, people would think that I was crazy, but, as I have previously said, I am not.

These are my symptoms:

I suffer from unbelievable chronic exhaustion/lack of vitality. Sometimes the very life energy seems to go out of me.

I experience "sighs" in my stomach.

Often I am light headed/ashen and feel "disassociated" from myself when I get up in the morning.

My personality has diminished slightly.

Finally, I have a complete lack of joy or "spirit" if you will. Sometimes there is absolutely "nothing". I have read that this is sometimes known as "The Dark Night of the Soul". This is not depression.

All of these symptoms together may be rare - I don't know. Surely there must be someone. i.e. a spiritual teacher (not amateur spiritual healers) who could advise me because this is serious and is my health and my happiness. A doctor would call me crazy I am sure. I can never ever see myself getting out of this.

Thank you for your time and sorry for the long dialogue!!.

Best Regards

Chris Munns 


I had the same kind of experience.  This is a great place to be - I have a lot of respect for Mystress.  The first teacher that has not asked for large sums of money for help and guidance with this. 


Dear Kundalini Teacher,

Guess that means me :)

I have visited your website along with many others and read many articles on the subject of Kundalini and I believe that I am going through a kundalini experience myself.

Firstly, let me say that I am not somebody who "dabbles" in things. i.e. spiritual practices/healing etc. Secondly, I am a rational and intelligent human being – not a madman.

  I don't assume people are insane.

I once practised very basic Yoga some years ago, also around this time, I had a bad car accident – I survived without injury but had a bad "jolt" to my body. I have heard that sometimes things like this can trigger an awakened Kundalini.   

  Sometimes it can. It can also trigger a need for a chiropractor, did you see one? Kundalini likes a straight spine and misalignments can cause tons of problems with pinched nerves not sending the body correct signals, so get it checked out OK? I think if you look closely at yourself in a mirror you will notice one shoulder is higher than the other and your head tilts a bit as if your body curves to the side a little.  Go get that fixed up. A good physiotherapist who practices myofascial release techniques would be excellent for you and when that stuff is fixed up then you can move on to some gentle hatha yoga practice at home.

However, I have suffered with my symptoms for about 20 years now and have had nobody to turn to for advice or guidance. Quite frankly I am at breaking point. If I described what I will do below, people would think that I was crazy, but, as I have previously said, I am not.

These are my symptoms:

I suffer from unbelievable chronic exhaustion/lack of vitality. Sometimes the very life energy seems to go out of me.

  Did you ever have a reiki initiation? Do your fingerprints seem flattened or worn down? Reiki initiations have been known to cause chronic fatigue symptoms in awakened people. It can be reversed.

I experience "sighs" in my stomach.

  I don't understand what that means.

Often I am light headed/ashen and feel "disassociated" from myself when I get up in the morning.

My personality has diminished slightly.

Finally, I have a complete lack of joy or "spirit" if you will. Sometimes there is absolutely "nothing". I have read that this is sometimes known as "The Dark Night of the Soul". This is not depression.

Not depression, sounds more like you are not in your body at times. That gives the lightheadedness and disassociated feelings. To come back to your body, observe it breathing without trying to control the breath. This is one of the most ancient and powerful meditations, it will trigger stuff coming up, thoughts and old memories but don't let those distract you. They are coming up to be released and will pass from you quietly if you continue focusing on the breath and just let them slide on by.  Patiently but persistently return your attention to observing your body as it breathes naturally. Do this as you can, 15 minutes twice a day is ideal but start with 5 min many times a day. If you persist with this you will also discover the spiritual joy you have been missing out on, it starts to well up inside you and with time will become nearly permanent.

  Everybody wants to think they are in the dark night. Guess because it sounds so poetic. You aren't. Dark night comes just before becoming a Buddha. You are in uncleared karma purgatory of temporary soul loss, so learn to purge the karma and you move on up to a better state of being. 

All of these symptoms together may be rare - I don't know.

  No, not particularly, in my experience. They are most common in people who have been awakened a long time without any support or understanding of what is happening. They resist the process out of fear instead of surrendering, and the karma kundalini triggers sort of builds up in them reducing the flow of their life energy and sort of flattening the joy of life until they end up in this sort of limbo purgatory stuck place. The pain of the triggered unreleased karma causes the disassociation as a sort of anaesthesia. Emotional pain can show up physically, anyone whose felt grief or a broken heart knows. Karma stuff is mostly made of old emotional pain stored in the body and kundalini makes it show up fresh so it can be healed and released but people who dunno how to do that end up feeling half dead, disassociated because  the soul moves outside the body as an anaesthetic mercy to them but without it ya feel like a zombie. Very flattened joyless and muddy. Observing the breath will cleanse you and call your soul back into your body where it belongs, then you will start to feel the joy of life that is its nature.

  Surely there must be someone. i.e. a spiritual teacher (not amateur spiritual healers) who could advise me because this is serious and is my health and my happiness. A doctor would call me crazy I am sure. I can never ever see myself getting out of this.

  Oh thats not true at all. Practice as I direct, and learn grounding and you will feel alive again before summer. Keep studying my pages, especially the karma section and meditations. You will notice each time you re read the same words they give new insights because they belong to Goddess and She speaks through them, between the lines to help you.

  You have been resisting the process for a long time, as soon as you show willingness to learn to flow with it, Goddess responds to support your learning curve and the healing can come quite quickly.

Thank you for your time and sorry for the long dialogue!!.

Best Regards

Chris Munns
Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
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thank you for your in depth response to my Kundalini symptoms. I will diligently practice what you have suggested below (the breathing).

I will also study the meditation section of your website.

Once again thank you for your speedy response.
