Welcome to the interactive guestbook for kundalini-teacher. com

This place has a purpose.

Started by Mystress, March 30, 2013, 01:39:43 PM

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This looks like a regular forum because of the software but it actually is a guestbook.  With a guestbook, usually only the host or their delegates are able to respond to queries. A guestbook is not an open discussion forum.

  This guestbook has very specific and narrow focus which is for the enormous amount of mail this web site gets (which I cannot keep up with) to be redirected to a place where my highly trained Fire Serpent Tantra http://fire-serpent.com Lineage teachers can respond to it on my behalf. They have the talent and  knowledge to respond to queries in a way that is aligned with my teachings.

  This information about this board's purpose is not new, it is expressed in the news flashes at the top of pages:

Want to email the site owner?
She gets too much email.
Post here instead!

Everyone is welcome to share experiences.
If you are not a member of the Fire Serpent Tantra Lineage
please refrain from offering advice. Thank you.

The Fire Serpent Tantra Lineage members
are chosen from the most gifted FST graduates
and get additional training continously from Mystress
to carry on her work.

  and in more detail this post:


  What is also not new is people ignoring those messages and then getting bent at me for limiting or removing their posts.

  This guestbook is for this website, and for people responding to ask about the content on it, or about their individual awakening process.
  - It is not about other websites, methods or teachers. They can get their own website.
  - It is not about just anybody who feels like it, responding to advise people posting messages that would be sent to my personal email if I had time for them.

  I have other sites that are more open. This one is specific in its purpose and posts that are not in alignment with that purpose will be removed.

  This guestbook has an additional side benefit of being good experience for my lineage in dealing with people and building their own reputation for excellence.

The guestbook is public yet anonymous, so people can post personal stories or questions publically  without revealing identity, and archived so others can benefit from the responses.

  People who are not FST lineage responding to advise are discouraged and muted, even deleted if they persist. Even other FST students.
  Posts spamming for other websites or teachers are removed. 

  I make no apology for this: It is my space and I have a right to choose. No one can argue I am generous in offering so much useful information for free (only to be plagirized all over the web~!) and supporting the users of the site with this place, plus my other sites.

If you seek open discussion about all things kundalini related then go to my other site http://kundalini-gateway.org which boasts the oldest continuously running kundalini email discussion list and community on the net, established in 1996 and cross linked to a forum last year. (2012) I have been hosting this open discussion place for 17 years, for free. 

Even an open discussion has some rules. Please read the K-list guidelines also, before posting there as it is an old and quite settled community and the guidelines were created by the community for the community.

  Finally, while this site is free to access, overall my work is sponsored by donations. My accountant says I am a humanitarian because the amount of volunteer work I do (95%!) completely overshadows the paid professional stuff which by itself would not cover my various hosting expenses. I told my accountant it is "spiritual principles of business" to hold faith in cosmic return rather than crunch numbers till they scream. I trust if I am generous that others will be generous with me.

  If you would like to validate me on that, the page for making a donation in support of my work, is http://kundalini-teacher.com/donations.php

  Thank you for taking the time to read this, and for *respecting* the purpose of this space.

Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
K-list community - https://kundalini-gateway.org