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Things Have Gotten a Bit Bumpy

Started by Chord, February 25, 2014, 03:31:01 PM

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Over the past few years since finding this space I have found myself swept away into the most profound states of being, and it didn't really strike me until later that this place was likely the catalyst. Of course, this flight into the ethers didn't last, but I am infinitely thankful for such experiences when they come along. I now find myself facing some very real difficulties that I suspect are connected to the process. A lot of latent allergy/digestive issues are coming painfully to the surface, and the bliss of being that seemed to last for months has eroded into what seems like intermittent acid reflux/indigestion, suspicious injuries, an intense feeling of power/heat in my sacral area and occasionally hot palms.

Does anyone have suggestions that may ease some of this? I've tried identifying blockages, but I find it difficult to go that deep into myself to see these things. I've wanted all of this; I've thirsted for all of this. It has been a blessing beyond measure, but I feel like I'm in over my head.

Thank you


Yes, this site can be a spiritual catalyst. And for your side you were ready and desiring that.
So by one way or another you entered on spiritual path.
Spiritual path continues and one usually takes on daily disciplines to smoothen the process. To enter the path on a more conscious level. Thats why Mystress founded FST a mystery school that addresses all important key points for smooth growth. And it offers a support group.
In my view that is a recommended way to go, to find some system, group and teacher that you resonate with and can ask questions and have support.
As you likely know the Grounding and Surrender from this pages. I can recommend them as a good base to calm things.



Thank you Duu, for your suggestions. It always does amaze me how things work out. I find that when I come here, I tend to get answers in one way or another. I must say that this path gets harrowing at times, but I'm sure that the things you suggest would help to smooth things out--the grounding helps tremendously, though I admit I should do it more than I have in the past. Surrender was tricky at first, but I've slowly been getting a feel for it.
It may well be time for me to get more consciously involved in this process, to make lifestyle changes where necessary.

Thanks again,


  Tuning into your discernment does not require anything but being grounded and ready to listen. Simple yes or no answers from the body are pretty easy to learn, if not discernment, then kinesiology, or pendulum dowsing. The only tarot I like is the Osho Zen deck: it is about where you are at, here and now.

   Using a belief in your intuitive limitations as an excuse to ignore the messages of the body isn't a great idea eh? Yes get consciously involved, learn to listen to what your body wants, what it is trying to tell you.
Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
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