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Started by poentic, April 28, 2007, 02:08:51 PM

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Hello mistress how are you doing from the accident? Hope your well. I need to know something i do appreciate it sense i know you are not well. Okay i have a en urge to heal people and when people are isck i canplace my hand on them (not severe sickenss) but i can releive them substantionally and i feel a very close bond with natrue and animals. Noe as you know ive been going through a kundalini awakening (i have not seen visitors or had visions or traveled dimensions or nothing like that. I never had the night terrors.  I really dont like dealing with spirits and such things but i do sometimes see spirits in my minds eye. i never had unexplained sickness or things like that. Its my healing cappabilities that make me wonder.
What i want ot know is that i already am having a spiritual awakening and its not shamanic but with all the above said: Can i be a shaman?  i really dont want to be:as i said i dont like things like that but i have seen  a shaman spirit. what do you think?