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thanks 4 this site- I think it is happening 4 me!

Started by wejee, July 05, 2007, 08:16:49 PM

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I want to thank you for this website, it set my mind somewhat at ease..... I read the symptoms, and it was like, oh, so maybe what I have been working towards is actually happening?!

I have been having surges of energy, especially in my lower body, and at times, it is identified as "Isis Energy". Very warm, and at times, pulsing all over and blissful. I have also had a few "dreams" where I seem to "wake up while I am sleeping", and maybe see a spirit guide (I was asking about St. Germaine, though I am still not sure, not what I expected! Though Isis was not as expected either....)

But I have also experienced apathy, fatigue (all I want to do is "sleep" i.e. see if I can contact spirit, or "wake up while I am still asleep" and do something, not sure what) Also some bouts of emotion, old "stuff" coming up, like I thought I was done with that!

I have also had digestive problems..... constipation like it is locked down forever! I am thinking it is maybe a block to my 2nd chakra; perhaps related, my online business has seemingly stopped cold (I so want the success of making a living online, but do I have to let that go? Is it 2nd chakra related?) Also, my appetite is less, and old favorites no longer appeal to me. I have been really having to rethink what I eat.

Not sure what to do- so far, it has been a very gentle experience, no contortions or psychosis, nothing to stop me from going to work or functioning. But then, I have been working for years to clear blockages, and stay grounded, etc. I do "running energy" meditations, I read, so maybe I am better prepared. But any suggestions about the possible 2nd chakra block?



If you are awakened, and it sounds like it, then I think you need to cut way down on your spiritual practices. You think you can chase after enlightenment!  ;D

   Kundalini isn't like that. You just do nothing, get out of the way and stay grounded. Goddess handles the rest, and you get more interesting experiences than you could trying to do with ego. Trying to control the process is just resistance, and you are finding out the unpleasant effects of resistance!

 Eh? What does it mean when we say someone is "anal retentive?"  Body speaks in cliches and expressions like that. Yeah, old stuff will come up, bucketloads and stuff you did not even know was there... and if you try too hard to control and push the energy, you will poke up more karma shit than you can release and then what happens?
 Drink more water. Learn surrender. Blessings!
Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
K-list community - https://kundalini-gateway.org


What you say makes sense- I think I do need to relax, and enjoy the process- and that means my business too! All work, and no play.

But I do think my spiritual preparation has been a good thing, like I said, I am not having any real serious side effects, and when the energy starts, it is very good, not alarming at all.

Let Goddess handle it- and I am blessed with Isis (Saraswati and BenTen have also made themselves known too)