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Kundalini and Sinuses

Started by Chord, November 27, 2009, 09:34:30 PM

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I notice that when a lot of Kundalini activity is occuring, I experience intense bouts of acute sinusitis symptoms. Each bout really only lasts about a day, but they are very intense; with pressure and successive sneezing.

Some background info; I have always had allergies.  I'm pretty sure this has something to do with it.  But the sinusitis attacks only began shortly after K activated.  My best guess is that when it goes in my head it "stirs things up" that are latent.

Anyone have any theories or insights?  :)


 Amrita nectar is active in many people when Shakti flows. Notice a salty sweet taste on the back of your tongue?

  There is an area of the back sinues that is part of the third eye that relates emotional information.  Behind your nose, in front of the bone between your sinuses and your brain. It is different than empathy, it relates emotions as information instead of feeling them in your own body but if you are resistant to empathy then that area of the sinuses becomes congested, the voice loses resonance and becomes nasal. 

  When your shakti is active it will tend to trigger karma in people unless you learn to keep it turned inward, focusing on your own heart.  When your shakti is triggering people it is the Guru gig, the stuff that is triggered flows to the source of the trigger.. you and you start getting unwanted empathy and resisting it. 

  Surrender your resistance to empathy.
  Learn to keep your energy turned inward, especially when around other people.
  Get a neti pot and learn to rinse your sinuses with salt water. This also helps with allergies, especially if you are prone to dark toxin circles under your eyes. Rinsing your sinuses with salt water can make eye puffiness disappear.
  Stay well hydrated, the nectar gets thick like glue if you have not enough water in you and that is when it is most likely to be troublesome; sneezing or coughing it up... even vomiting it up in intense cases.
   It is very hydrophilic, so have some kleenex tissue handy as it will turn liquid within a few minutes of drinking water... but once you blow your nose a few times you will find its flow is hardly noticeable.
  Swallow the salty-sweet goop, its good for you. 

Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
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The night before my most recent sinus attack I was in a rapturous state of bliss and artistic inspiration.  My eyes welled up and became teary. I also felt sensations in my sinuses, similer to pressure changes experienced by sensitive people encountering altitude change (like popping). There is a taste to it. In consistency, it is almost like water most of the time.   

I get empathy a lot, but I don't really focus on it.  I also try my best to keep my energy to myself; "sending" it to others the way some people do has always seemed strange and uncomfortable to me. I will pay attention to this though.   

Neti pot...I'll have to start using one and see how it works out.  I've heard it works wonders.



Don't mind me asking, but what is a neti pot? When I had my Kundalini experience, I believe I had the same salty-sweet sensation at the back of my tongue. But now I have been discouraged from pursuing a reactivation of the Kundalini, for it is afraid I will not be able to handle against any negative external spiritual forces, or what are otherwise known as demons. I know they exist of course because I had experience with being attacked and even possessed by them, and the experience is little like what see in the movies.

May I ask also Mystress, what actually qualifies you as a spiritual Guru? Like for instance, what abilities do you have, or is it just your spiritual knowledge gained with the insight granted by Kundalini awakening?


I should also state for your benefit that I had runny noses frequently when my Kundalini is activated. I just have one question, I know that you should realise when you have Kundalini from the extremely pleasurable sensation, but I don't really see many people expressing more eloquently or beautifully, those who claim to have their Kundalini activated, as that is also another necessary realisation of the Kundalini. So is it that you don't bother like what I am doing now when explaining minor details like this, or you really are at your limits with the way you express?


Quote from: Chord on November 27, 2009, 09:34:30 PM
I notice that when a lot of Kundalini activity is occuring, I experience intense bouts of acute sinusitis symptoms. Each bout really only lasts about a day, but they are very intense; with pressure and successive sneezing.

Some background info; I have always had allergies.  I'm pretty sure this has something to do with it.  But the sinusitis attacks only began shortly after K activated.  My best guess is that when it goes in my head it "stirs things up" that are latent.

Anyone have any theories or insights?  :)

I get frequent sneezing fits as well as days where my nose constantly runs often driving me insane. This is often accompanied by an itch in the chest area.

I sometimes take anti-histamines or ibuprofen which usually result in a rash all over my arms and sometimes on my face and neck (usually within 10 minutes) however the other day I got this rash without taking any of these medicines


Quote from: Ashley on September 18, 2010, 02:18:52 PM
I should also state for your benefit that I had runny noses frequently when my Kundalini is activated. I just have one question, I know that you should realise when you have Kundalini from the extremely pleasurable sensation, but I don't really see many people expressing more eloquently or beautifully, those who claim to have their Kundalini activated, as that is also another necessary realisation of the Kundalini. So is it that you don't bother like what I am doing now when explaining minor details like this, or you really are at your limits with the way you express?

  Talking about bliss here is a little like going to an emergency ward to tell about your vacation in hawaii.  Yes bliss is a normal part of kundalini, and I have known some people.. (including an MD!) who found a good bliss button and kept hammering it until their adrenals and other organs of metabolism were completely and permanently fried.
  As for my limits, I don't know them. I am a transparent vessel of the Goddess and can do or know whatever She needs me to do or know, in the moment She needs me to do or know it. I have not claimed to be a Guru, I think Guru worship is a dead end street....  even though I attained the Guru siddhis over a decade ago. 
Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
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