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Help me to close my third eye(ajna) chakra and kundalini arousing

Started by vignesh, January 06, 2011, 08:58:33 PM

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How to close my third eye chakra and kundalini arousing in my spine?

How to dormat all the chakras?
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How to close third eye (Ajna) and reverse back my kundalini power?
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Dear All,

          Unknowingly or unfortunately I have awakened my third eye chakra (Ajna chakra) by pranayama yoga meditation, only two days I had meditated. But in recent days I am unable to have a sleep. some bizzare events and aura colours are flashing in my forehead, some paranormal activities also relying upon me. I want to close my third eye chakra (pineal gland), At midnight I feel kundaini arousing from my spine to my brain, I feel energy wave is rounding my head like a hat and pains at different areas in my body, hearing murmuring sounds and ding-dong bell sound. I feel extremely scary and I want to perfectly normal as  I was in my previous. For that Kindly help me do this and get rid of kundalini and third eye chakra. I wanna close it once for all. I don't need this type of scary experience ever in my life in future. Your immediate comments are much much appreciated. Looking forward earnestly.


The Traveler

What has now been opened can not be closed.You will need to meditate more and find some help close to you. Good luck with that.All you can do for now is ask your Guardian Angle for help. Be VERY precise on your question. I made it through and you can to. Be strong.When you get through all of it you will be happy you did.


A wise shaman once told me that "Your greatest fear will become your greatest gift." This has always proven to be true. It seems scarey but know that what you are experiencing is what others have also experienced. It is true that it happened quickly, and for those who believe i past lives it could mean that you have past life experience and so the doors were opened quickly. You were called to meditate for a reason.

As is stated in this site, Bells and odd sounds are experienced. I have and still do experience them. It is best to go with the flow and work with what your body and soul has begun. I will recommend the book, "The Biology of Kundalini" by Janet Dixon. It is one of the most extensive books out there on the symptoms and processes going on in the body. Take care of your body and it will take care of you as this is a natural process if you surrender to it. Blessings.

Da Zues Mon

I find that I go through phases where I'll drop all research on kundalini. Same goes with all the reading and research. The outside information I've gathered on Kundalini has helped me extensively. But sometimes it's just too much for me. It's unsettling how intricate it may seem. Along with the fact that every time I look up stuff on K there's always the warnings and dangers attached to it and just makes my process harder to untangle. Fortunately, sites like this one give out the positives of K! :)
It 'll come down to me just focusing on the simple blessings of 'being'. Breathing, creating, expressing, living, and the joy in it all. Turning my attention inward to seek and tune to the voice within. Our processes indeed are unique, beyond any word from here or there.

One Love.


  People wonder why I  ban people for recommending pranayama ... this is why. It triggers way more stuff than people can easily handle and some go craazy.

   Stop doing it, eat lots of read meat and some junk food.
Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
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