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How did YOU realize that there is a God?

Started by NeverSure, May 13, 2012, 03:57:28 PM

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Hello everybody,

These past couple of days I have been doubting myself on the idea of God... I am constantly debating myself and cannot seem to find an answer. I have never had an experience in my life which showed me there is God. Nothing supernatural. I just think too much and then end up feeling so overwhelmed. I am 21 years old if that makes a difference...

Anyways I thought if you shared your stories with me it could help me in some way. I don't care about what religion you are coming from by a God I don't mean a Christian God or anything else. I mean very general - how did you come to realize that there is something more than the physical?

Sorry if this is a simple question for this type of forum, but this is the only place I could post it where people with open minds could give me an answer free of prejudice.

So thank you for your time and for all of your answers. I am really looking forward to reading all of them.

Thank you once again!

- Guest


To use word god that is so heavily veiled in emotion can be sometimes trouble.
Because we sometimes dont see where it points and go stuck with the
hand pointing to the moon. All cause of the emotions around it. Im mostly understanding that when asked about god, It is in the meaning of the ultimate mystery. They are many gods a goddesses in history of mankind. But usually I speak about god, Godess as the non-dual mystery that is the source of our being.

I learned from Mystress to use to word Godess and Im happy about it.
It is more free from casual emotions a cultural based theology as it is mainly a word
that points to this nondual mystery that will always be a mystery for the mind.
But is interesting to that when one says god as a creator (in many cultures) one can
get the image of a wayward life sperm entering the clay of earth.
And that is nicely said, only it opens an instinctive felt rift between the
human and the god. Since it says (hints at) that the clay is basically cold and dead.
And that our body is therefore inferior to the god spark. Only a bag or prison for it.

So the word by itself my have a subtle hues of meaning that we do instinctively feel
and are not aware of. All names have subtle traps like this. But in our culture
our unconscious indoctrination with this divide is not acknowledged.

The use of word Godess may open instinctively another perspective, that
we come from the Godess as from the womb is born a child and we share the same
nature and same body with her. So the rift is much narrower as we dont ask
how to liberate, protect, clean the spark from from the cold clay (and sin of that).
But how best to honor Godess by our life.

So one can see if one is looking for the god he is already missed it. Because the start position is one where physical and spiritual are opposites. How could it be? Since there is no dead clay anywhere to see or to get.

It is as the famous story where five blind men are describing an elephant and one has and ear, one has a leg...

If you sort of know how an elephant should look like, then every description is enriching and nice.
If you dont, then someone describing the nearby tree could fool you. And the one describing tree for reason of being blind will think its the elephant, offcouse he will sound sure, but he is not knowing what to look for. As we in fact all start there and that is the core trouble.
And since his description might be more impressive or understandable (resonating more with your current ego, karma based view) as those guys with the elephant on touch you could perhaps just add another level of confusion to the confusion that few blind man describing the elephant unavoidably will bring. In a way Im a blind man too, so it is better you find the elephant in the room yourself.

I do also like to play and so contradictory descriptions of elephant are in fact very pleasant for me. It is like a beautiful dance. Some words I hear sometimes are like pearls, purest treasure. Sometimes also a smack from a teacher is such a pearl.

Hopefully it will be useful.



Dear Duu,

May I say that you are the pearl you describe?

Your posts always help me understand any situation I am facing in my own life.  And even better, I always smile when I read you.



Hello Vicki,

Im glad that the posts have been to a benefit.
Thank you very much for feedback.:)



First of all thank you so much for your reply. I really appreciate you writing all that and sharing your experiences with me.
It is always great to get a different perspective from a more experienced fellow person.

I apologize for not responding to you right away because I needed some time to think about your answer and try to experience it in my life. That took a couple of months but it was very helpful.

A few things that I have been thinking about and could not answer them for myself. Some are very unrelated but have arose from this conversation. If you could would you tell me what you think about each one - that would mean the world to me.

1) Thinking about different religions confuses me because I don't understand why everything is so separated - if God is one why are there so many religions? And why is one religion discrediting another? Is it because every culture had its own understanding of God or because saints such as Jesus, Buddha etc have been born in different locations and therefore people wrote different stories about them?

2) If humans ARE in fact made by God or Goddess then why is everybody so confused about the nature of their being - including me? All these theist and atheist debates, this massive confusion in the world. Why aren't we aware?

3) Lastly - if there is a God how do I experience it. I have a burning desire. I cannot stop reading spiritual books, cannot stop reading scientific works, cannot stop reading and watching debates about such ideas. I cannot stop doubting and debating with myself. I want to be able to experience it - whatever it takes. Is there a way or not? Sorry for sounding so rigid!

I thank you so much for your time and answers.  It is a real pleasure interacting with people such as you on this site.
Once again I appreciate all the time and support!



Words can never encompass the truth. Its just like that. But in order to for ego to feel secure, and to have the sense of social unity. A fixed dogma and impressive rituals must be introduced. But there are however people who think that words are the "truth".  (Science, religion, political ideology, new age, whatever..)

And all true philosophers of all places and all times they say again and again words are just symbols not the truth. But to know the "truth" makes people feel good, chosen special and above all right and justified in they way of life. It gives them a way how to avoid facing insecurity, insignificance, pain and fear of death. And also of the discomfort of self responsibility.

But people really value the security and the social unity more than the truth. Thats simply it. If you ask why are you confused that its the answer. It is here called ego actually.
And people fight not for protection of the words but of their security, hopes and etc..that is how ego is just looking invisible and innocent, until it is challenged..

Yes you can know god it is very easy. Now you know why. :)

World is such a vast place. Being confronted with its vastness trough books and so on is so enriching and opening to new possibilities. If all goes well it makes us more tolerant and more wise, less fanatic about our school or authority based ideas, since we can check for ourselves. So reading makes us more ready for the task of challenging our own ego and cultural based thinking habits.

But if you are dissatisfied with old words maybe you look for some new words to satisfy you. New words that could think as "true" once again. The ego is tricky.

I think deep down dissatisfaction with fake truths, ego is what is the main problem.
We can chose to fix it somehow with improved truths or chose to find god and be free from the permanent frustrations and conflicts that words or "truths" add to life.
The life itself is on our side and will serve to us pain, disillusion and crash of the old truths whatever they are. The path is like this: creating ego/karma – confusion -  conflict/pain – collapse of ego (or instead of it we chicken and rather choose to go back and repeating cycle)  So spiritual growth is in a way unavoidable. Just keeping asking the questions and not settling with words as the answer. So confusion is good, you are on the right way.




"But if you are dissatisfied with old words maybe you look for some new words to satisfy you. New words that could think as "true" once again. The ego is tricky."

You basically answered all of my questions with this statement.

I am a little speechless after reading the reply so for now I don't have any questions to ask lol

For some reason after reading this reply my mind feels very calm and relaxed. Thoughts/questions don't jump out. I wish I could keep this state of mind forever :( But I know I can't for now.

Something in me tells me that I am not ready to keep this state of mind. I don't deserve it yet. So I think I will go back to the "conflict/pain" step again. My guess is in a couple of hours - the questions will come down on me again. until one day I can reach the collapse of ego and feel that I deserve it, hopefully stay there.

But for now I have a long way to go....

Thank you soooo much for your answers Duu you have NO idea how much you helped me. I cannot thank you enough.

God bless you my friend.

- Guy